
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Benefits of Keeping Samples

I an participating in a weaving exchange where we must produce some small guest towels or 'finger tip' towels. I have promised to send in 6, so I will produce 7. I must have one of my own for me! I have been playing around with my weaving program, then flipping through past projects and eventually I went to my swatch books and found this sample:

Blogger for some reason has turned it and I can't get it right. But since it is a balanced geometric pattern, it's the same either way. (The far right is actually the bottom of the picture.)

Here is the draft:

The plan is (for now) to use 2/16's mercerized cotton in white as warp. The sett will be 36 epi. Weft will be either 2/30 linen weft in either white or natural, or 2/16's in unmercerized cotton in natural. There should be a subtle play on light to see the pattern.

The deadline is woven goods to the Sample Hostess by Oct 31st. Even if I change my mind, I'll be using the 2/16's so will start winding the warp soon. If you have never participated in a weaving exhange, give it try when one is available. They are like 'Christmas' when they are over. You get back some totally different ones back and they in turn become like useable samples as they have the weaving drafts accompany them as well. Some of the weavers guilds I have belonged to over the years have ocassionally done this, or it can be a small private group of weaving friends who coordinate an exchange. I still have kitchen towels in use from my last one and it's like having your friends with you every day.

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