
Monday, November 24, 2008

Smooth Sailing

The next scarf is being woven with a silk/wool blend from Treenway that I dyed some years ago. Lanaset acid dye in a violet shade. This is left over yarn from some yardage I wove in 2000 using the violet and a charcoal gray (same fibre blend, also dyed by me) It was a fine pin wheel colour and weave and then was cut up into small little squares for a guild calendar project. After all that work, I drew the line at cutting it up... someone else got the honours!

Back to this scarf: I have some great beads to add to this one when it's off loom!

Otherwise not much else to report.... I haven't heard (yet) how my items fared at the sale this past Saturday.

The towel warp on Lilibet is progressing nicely and I'm three quarters through the warp. After the last neutral cream towel, I'll be back to bright colours again for towels seven and eight. I'm hoping there will be warp enough for samples!

My six towels from the GCW weaving exchange are on their way in the post. You'll be seeing those here very soon.

Back soon with an update!


  1. Lovely! I love the color and pattern together.

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Wonderful colors and pattern!!!!

  3. Susan, that is such a work of art! My jaw dropped as the photo loaded into my browser. I've been watching your progress, and this is just something to behold. Well done!

  4. Wow,what a great colour, spot on as usual. I can't wait to see the beaded fringe when it's complete.


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