
Friday, August 28, 2009

New Toys

There's a new face in the studio. Meet Libby.... who sits on on the top shelf of Lilibet, my Louet Spring loom. This one was spotted when touring around town with my brother a few weeks ago. I resisted but she was still there when I went back. Must be fate! Connor our terrier thinks it's for him and he waits....and waits...

I know of some fibre enthusiasts who madly collect all things sheepish: mugs, stuffed ones, pictures, ceramic ones.... heck even real ones! I selectively bring home cute sheep. They are restricted to my studio and are nestled onto shelves, among yarns or tucked near books. There is only so much room so they have to pass muster to be among the chosen few.

I recently got word that a former member of our local guild was selling off all her weaving equipment and books. The loom and yarns were long gone, but I have discovered that it was sold to a friend so I'll be seeing it sooner or later. What perked me up was the ball winder and swift for sale! I have those already but my daughter needs them. She has taken up knitting and doing great! If you have a Ravelry account, her user name is 'Gnomenapper' and take a look at her projects and her toe up socks. (I'm in awe of sock knitters). Below is her swift which needs to find a long skinny box to begin its long journey to North Carolina. The ball winder is mine and is a duplicate of her winder which is already on it's way.

I also got a 36" stainless steel 8 dent reed for my Spring. It nicely rounds out my selection now and I have an 8, 10, 12 and a 15.

There were books of course!
This one of weaving around the world. The author's name is Anne Hecht and she did a nice job of recording the various methods in the major cultures world wide.

There has been some interesting Shibori showing up at blogs lately and so I snapped this one up and hope to give this technique a try! ( Thanks for the nudge Ngaire!)

I arrived home with goodies in hand to find that some back ordered books had arrived from Amazon in the mail. To further pursue studies in colour theory, I now have Deb Menz's Colorworks to mull over. ( sorry the image is a bit fuzzy...the camera battery died and is on the recharger)

The second title shows great promise! I have a major bead stash and would like to utilize my beads more and be creative with them. Maybe move on from just the 'fringe' of things!

The author shows all the various securing techniques quite clearly and the book is a fun read and quite inspiring. This peek is a cross view of the various beads and ceramics and I have seen many at Beadworld. (though I plan to use what I got at home first.....honest!! :)

I have been weaving away on Elena's shawl and I'm two thirds the way through. I love the way the two blended reds literally glow on the loom. Using multiple shades of a colour gives it much more life! I'm hoping to have the shawl off loom before we leave on our vacation and complete the finishing once we get back. I'm also getting physiotherapy on my tricky right ankle and it's great to know that my weaving (and treadling) counts as exercise. My warm up at the loom before going for my treatment today impressed the therapist. (She also has magic hands)

So I have walked by Lilibet, the current naked loom and it just doesn't seem right. I thought "I'll just wind a warp for some scarves. 196 ends didn't take long , so why don't I just quickly beam this 9 yard warp? " That went fast ! ( I love the new method a la Jane Stafford!)
I wove for an hour on the shawl and took another stretch break. Next thing I know, I'm threading the scarf warp! Took a stretch break and wove some more of the shawl. This was multi tasking at its best.
After lunch, I lifted one end of the Spring loom and slipped some storage boxes under the feet, then lifted the other side. Spring looms are quite light! Tie up went okay... not too long time wise.

Once perched off the ground, I sit on a small stool and do the tie up in a much more comfortable position than cramped up on the floor. I have the spare treadles secured up with a single tie up cord. They are released once it's back down on the floor.

So I did thread it... any bets on what happened next?
Back to the shawl !


  1. I just love Anne Hecht's book - I've had it since it was first published (in fact, it was the first weaving book I ever bought). Be prepared to spend many, many hours with a hot drink and that book, soaking in the text as well as the photos.

    The sheep is just adorable. And I'm really looking forward to seeing Elena's shawl off the loom!

  2. Libby is very cool! But I can imagine your dog's temptation to turn her into a dog toy too!!

    Yay for a swift and ball winder! Most of my knitting buddies don't have them - but I feel like I'm constantly using mine. I'm glad every time that I don't end up winding balls by hand!!

    You did bring home some goodies!! I love books....looks like you've added some good ones to your library.

    That's great that you're being so productive on the scarf and shawl. Hopefully your productivity is contagious and spreads to me next!!

    Have a great vacation!! (Not quite sure when it starts - but it's never to early to wish you that, is it?)


  3. I had no idea looms could be so light - mine is a big heavy beast! If I found I had no room for a Scandinavian loom, Louet would be a 2nd choice, for the easy tie up and manageability.

    Your new sheep is a quirky fellow, I do see why you couldn't resist him.

  4. I always perk up when I read New Toys! And a nice lot you have there. The Woven Shibori book is a lot of fun
    and I like the color book also.
    The lamb, adorable! I know what you mean about Connor. I have two wonderful sheep made with real fleece and Jack MUST check the girls nose to nose every time he passes by. They are on a chest now at the foot of the bed. I'm going to refrain from guessing, but whatever it is, something wonderful will come of it! :-)

  5. Ha! So it was *you* that got to that ball winder and swift before me! Too funny ;)

  6. I'm pretty much giddy with excitement. Now I can start shopping the wonderful world of skeins and such! Winding by hand was brutal so I can promise you this swift and ball winder will be much cherished and well used.

    Love you and thank-you for thinking of me!

  7. Sorry Cindie... but as you can read, my daughter is one happy gal!

    Since hers are too far away to borrow, there's always mine if you have a need!


  8. What a smart idea to lift up the loom instead of crawling under it! Unfortunately, mine is too heavy to lift, so I will have to continue crawling. I also bought Deb Menz' book recently, at the Interweave sale, and I like it a lot. I already had Ittens original book on color (The art of color), but I couldn't manage to get through it. Menz' book is very user friendly, with its help maybe I'll understand Itten as well.
    Have a nice weekend!

  9. Sure seems to be lots happening around your studio....You'll love the Woven Shibori book, so inspiring and it just makes you want to dabble with Procion MX! Can't wait for the next week or so to pass til you are here!!!

  10. What a great collection of books. And I love the sheep. I collect sheep so I am always admiring other folks' sheep. :)

  11. You did get some wonderful goodies. I'm sure your daughter will love the things you got for her.

    Love your new toy!!!!!!!!


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