
Monday, December 7, 2009

Feather Light

This one Christmas gift I can share with you right now as the recipient, my mother in law, Lorraine does not have a computer or internet. She is a lovely lady who has been more of a friend along the past 25 years. She's 'of an age' where she is downsizing and reducing clutter in her life and so buying a gift for her is quite difficult! I was admiring the three lace shawls in our guild sale at the gallery and this one in lace weight baby alpaca caught my eye. It's soft and a nice size to wrap around her small shoulders. She likes to entertain and have 'the girls' in for movie nights and visit at her neighbours. She's a going concern!

I will be the first to admit that I'm not a knitter or that I know much about lace shawls other than to admire the delicate patterning and the dedication of the knitter who created it. This shawl is soft and as light as a feather. It was made by a sister guild member and seemed to be the perfect gift! Along with a Susan Boyle disc and some other goodies, we're set to fly in for Christmas. Yes, we will be away for a week. Its has meant that we have had to step up our shopping and other activities but we are really looking forward to spending the time with her.

Here are some close up's of the pattern:

On the home front, things are moving along with regards to the coming kitchen renovation. We purchased our new appliances yesterday, finalized selecting the new flooring (walnut), and started looking at back splash tiles. Choices are coming along nicely. I'm going to photograph the whole process and at the end, do a long post of the transformation. It all starts in early January.

I'm still weaving away on the twill tea towels and now over half way. The silk scarves are 'resting' while I consider my options. Its a toss up today whether I get to weave or try to tidy up the dog by spending some 'quality time' with him and a pair of clippers. Either way, someone's a winner, though neither he or I will feel like it till its over!


  1. What a beautiful shawl. It reminds me of one I have always wanted to knit myself. Pics here because I know you're on Rav.

    Connor looks quite wooly and warm on his bed and with his toy.

    The kitchen choices sound wonderful! I can hardly wait to see befores and afters.

  2. That's a beautiful shawl. When I saw the pictures, I thought, "Wow, who knew that Susan was knitting along on something like that?" Glad to see that you're also a good shopper!!! I'm in love with alpaca yarn, so I think this shawl will be the perfect gift!

    The kitchen reno is coming along well so far. Hopefully it stays that when when the physical work is being done.

    Who would disturb such a comfortable and cozy dog with clippers?? Weave, weave!!! (At least that's what he'd say I'll bet!)


  3. The gift will be a winner; just beautiful.

  4. This is a really beautiful shawl, it must have taken many, many hours to knit such a complicated pattern with such thin yarn. I'm sure your mother-in-law will be very happy!

  5. littlegarthlochmabenDecember 7, 2009 at 12:11 PM

    Hi Susan - I love the shawl for you Mother-in law, I am wondering what the pattern is ? I have done one the same size and shape by Evelyn Clark but I think your pattern is outstanding. If you had a chance to ask the Guild member which pattern she used I would love to have a go ! I have used lace weight cashmere but haven't tried baby alpaca. The small shoulder shawls are so easy to wear and are surprisingly cosy, your MIL will be so pleased with it.
    What a busy new year you are going to have with all the kitchen work and the servicing of the looms !!

  6. Exquisite design and a wonderful Christmas gift choice too; your mother-in-law will love this shawl, I'm sure.

    Congratulations also on your stunning tea-towel collection.

    Wishing you a happy festive season.

  7. I'd like to echo the request on finding out the shawl pattern!

  8. I can well understand everyone's interest in this lovely pattern! Its why I bought it :)

    I will do my best to find out the name of the pattern and how to find it for you and will post the info when I have it. Now, this may take some time so please be patient!
    With Christmas and the holiday, I may not see or hear from the knitter until January.


  9. Beautiful!!! Light weight alpaca knit in a pretty lace pattern. I'm sure your mother in law will love it.

  10. There is nothing to beat the sense of relief and satisfaction when you have found the perfect present for someone, and it is so beautiful!

  11. Beautiful shawl and a very talented knitter. I'm sure your MIL will love the gift.

  12. OH what a beautiful gift!!! And to give it along with the Susan Boyle cd!??!?! Oh my gosh what a treat!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  13. Beautiful shawl! I'm planning to start the shipwreck shawl from soon
    (please delete last comment, I wasn't logged in correctly. Whoops!)

  14. I know your MIL will be thrilled with such a lovely shawl - reminds me very much of a lace mantilla - very Spanish looking! The knitter must be exceptional to have made such a wonderful piece and the blocking is superb!
    Great gift choice Susan.

    Connor does look happy all cozied'll have to post the after photo.

  15. That's the Laminaria shawl pattern by Elizabeth Freeman. It's a free pattern from, Spring 2008. I've made it myself in naturally dyed alpaca so I recognised those Estonian stitch patterns right away! It's tricky with all those make-9-sts-out-of-3 things going on. Very lovely.


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