
Monday, December 28, 2009

'Tween Times

This is Lorraine, my mother in law and she is very happy with her shawl! The size is perfect for her and she wore it all the time. It's first outing will be at the coming bridge game when the gals come to play cards this week.

I think of this week as the 'tween time' as Christmas is just over and New Year's is not quite here.

We had a lovely time during our week away and Santa was very good to us. The joys of air travel were not as interesting as some have experienced in the past week or so. Minor delay leaving, then our flight back yesterday was delayed for 2 1/2 hours due to increased security there and elsewhere and delayed planes because of the snow back east. We had some chilly temperatures but no snow and it was a green Christmas. No one was complaining though as the snow will appear soon and we'll make up for lost time.

We came home with full bags of loot and laundry and found that the reno has started with our old kitchen floor being removed while we were away. So life will get back in full swing here shortly....

Here my hubby Bruce is 'enduring' a frenzy of love and licks minutes after coming home.
The dog, Connor is *extremely* happy that we sprang him from the 'doggy resort'. There is only so much fun an old pooch can stand at age 13 and he's been sleeping soundly to catch up on his beauty rest.

The mailbox was full and there were some beautiful woven card inserts to grace our mantle this year...

The first to arrive was this boundweave card from my friend Gudrun .

Then this tri-axial woven ribbons done by Louise .

Then my friend Joan in Kamloops, BC. sent this lovely bird's eye twill

Then yesterday after we arrived home, we found this summer and winter tree beautifully woven by Lynnette. We had an elegant lunch with Lynnette and her hubby Michael and a good chat. In person hugs are so much better than emails! (I'll show you what she made me for Christmas in the next post)

I'll leave you with a picture of Lorraine's lovely tree that had a Victorian theme. I hope you all had a great Christmas and getting ready to greet 2010!


  1. Oh so glad you had a great time, even with flying!
    The cards are all lovely. Connor looks very happy to be home from holiday and Bruce sure seems to be enduring all those kisses quite easily. ;-)

  2. What a great Christmas card haul!! Gorgeous!

    Glad the shawl was such a hit!! And that Conner's free!!!

    Welcome home!


  3. Lovely shawl on a very lovely lady.
    I love your Christmas cards that can be displayed year after year.
    Have a very Happy New Year!!!

  4. The shawl was really beautiful! You're lucky to get som many lovely handmade cards!

  5. What beautiful pictures! The shawl is perfectly suited to your MIL and those cards are inspiring.

    Of course, the hubby making an appearance is special.

  6. I can't believe how gorgeous the shawl is, and how elegant your Mother in Law looks wearing it! Well done.

    The woven cards are all so lovely and different, it must be like opening a present to open and envelope and find something so special.

  7. So glad you arrived home none the worse for wear! Lorraine looks lovely in her new shawl, it looks perfect for her, such an elegant lady!


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