
Monday, January 18, 2010

That's a Wrap

So back to some weaving content.... or in this case 'finish up' content. This project has been a while in the works. It was the warp that went on as I experimented with warping my loom in a different way, then it sat idle due to it being a pain in the arse to weave. First for having the back end hitched up 3 inches (due to my not spotting a large second warp beam ... duh!) then because of irregularities in the shed, due to uneven tie up cords. I persevered and got the warp off just before we left for Christmas. I spent time serging the raw edges after we got back and then hand hemmed at night while we had our feet up relaxing. They were tossed into the wash and dryer, then pressed up.

So a quick review:
  • 2/10 mercerised cotton from Jane Stafford Textiles
  • sett 28 epi
  • 8 shaft turned twill
  • 9.5 yard warp, for 8 generous sized towels with three black weft, three gray, one red and one white.
  • only one treadling error (the white towel, which is now 'mine') I thought this was rather good considering the circumstances!
  • They were 25" in the reed, and woven to 34" in length. They measure 24" by 30" after washing and final pressing. (I thought of Lynnette's new press the whole time...)
So the picture at the top shows once towel in each colour, with four more that are off to the side.

The gray weft is quite nice and I really like the sheen of the cotton. The pattern really tightened up well but the cloth still has a wonderful drape.

The black weft really makes the other colours pop out and I would say that this is my favourite.

The red one really didn't appeal to me on the loom but it came to life off loom and away from the others. They have been to a couple of guild events and its the red one that people comment on most.
Funny how that works out...

Here's the white weft towel. The white really cuts the intensity of the other colours and has a fresh appearance. We all seem to really like white in our kitchen towels for that clean look....... regardless of how messy a kitchen can get. Happily I know where I can get more of these!

This was my first time using all mercerised cotton for toweling and I did gasp a little at the price of the cotton, but I've decided that I would use it again. The 2/10 size is a great weight and not thick as 2/8, or a lot of extra work such as the much finer 2/16's . The cotton seems better behaved, washed up like a dream and I love the shine. If you are making some as a special gift for someone,like a wedding gift or shower present, then consider the mercerised yarn. Presentation is every everything!

On the home front:
The carpeting in the dining room was lifted yesterday and the floor underneath prepped for the coming hardwood by 'floating' some areas ( translation: self leveling mud or a concrete style mix was troweled into the low spots and then allowed to dry.) The underlayment cushion and hardwood flooring will go down later when trades people aren't coming through in boots. Now we have to find a painter for the next phase while packing up everything that is not being used in the kitchen. Where the stuff is going is beyond me. It looks like I'll be doing dishes in my bathroom sink at some point...but for how long?? Tomorrow the electrician is coming early to start fishing wires and setting up new switches and pot lights.... wish me luck.

PS. The appliances will be delayed now until the third week of February... oh, geesh....


  1. I like the towels and have to say that the white weft is my fave;)

  2. Susan - the towels are beautiful, I think the black and red wefts would be my favourites !
    The colour combinations will go with those new appliances especially if there is a lot of stainless steel they will really bring it to life !

  3. I know that you're much like me in that you like everything in it's place, so the upheaveal must be making you bonkers! I feel your pain!
    I love, love, love your twill tea towels, they are just the thing to make a stainless and black appliances should have no trouble selling these shiny beauties.

  4. The towels are really beautiful, I like this turned twill pattern very much. Thank you for sharing those different color effects, it makes a very interesting reading.

  5. These towels are magnificent! I love the contrast of the b/w and red-very snazzy. I sympathize over the home renovations...I am in the throes of sheetrock dust but these guys will be doing the painting and the flooring, too, so it will soon be over!

  6. Nice towels! I like the black weft best - it gives a sense of drama to the colours. I used that 10/2 merc. cotton for some Monk's Belt towels - it washed up nicely and gave a lovely sheen to them.

  7. Looking at the towels, I thing the gray weft and white weft are my favorites. The gray softens the colors and, like you said, the white looks nice and fresh.

    Good luck with the continuing remodel. Think how nice it will be when all the workmen are gone!

  8. Hello Everyone... sorry to be slow in posting your comments. We had a windstorm here that had gusts over 100 km per hour!
    We had no power for 15 hours and no internet/phone service for 24 hours. Our property is covered in tree branches...

    Back on line now thankfully. I was sure roughing it here for a time! First thing I did when power came back on was take a nice long hot shower....then made COFFEE!
    Clean and caffeinated...

    :) Susan

  9. The towels are beautiful (and your blog an inspiration). I've wanted to try 10/2 mercerized cotton for a long time because as you say 8/2 is a bit thick and 16/2 is a lot of work. How do these towels compare in terms of absorbency to 8/2 or 16/2 unmercerized cotton? Isabelle in Vancouver BC

  10. Hi Isabelle
    I must confess that I have only used mercerised cotton for runners and warp in guest towels. That said, I have it from an authority that once merc cotton has been washed a few times, its *very* absorbent.

    So, the ones I keep for myself will be a real life experiment!


  11. Dear Susan- could you please tell me what linen weft you used for your snowflake runners. And where you purchased it. I have decided that has to be my next project.
    Many thanks

  12. Hi Silky,
    In that project I used 2/16 mercerised cotton warp (sett 36 epi) and the weft was 2/30 linen in natural. Now I bought that linen many years ago from Talisman Fibre in Price George BC and Alison has sold the business. You could look at Brassards or Lone Star (formerly Nordic Studio) Webs would also carry linens. Louet dealers would have linens as well. I found that the balance of the 2/16's versus 2/30 was nice.

    There are additional pictures at Ravelry under my user name there of 'weever' if you check my projects.

    Hope this's a delight to watch the pattern grow as you treadle!


  13. Hello Susan.
    I was verry happy when I saw yet another new visitor on my blogg.
    You are most welcomed.
    Sorry that my translator didnt work for you. What went wrong when you was trying?
    Shame to say that google translator isnt the best of tools. But I havent found another one that works better.
    Hope you can read my english. Im not so god at writing as I wish I was.

    Have read yor blogg and I like what you do. I admire people that know to use those things.

    The weather here is not so nice at the moment. Its not so cold, only 5 minus degress celsius. For a few weeks we had temperatures down to minus 35-40 degres celsius.
    Cant say that went outise then. Only to feed the birds.
    But know Im going for long walks in the forest. I love the winter.

    Hope you will come back, and Il hope the translator is working then. If not five me a notice.

    Have i nice evening, but whit you I thing its not evening know.
    Hugs from Norway.

  14. Your towels are stunning!!!!! The different color effects are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Good lucky with the remodel.


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