
Friday, June 11, 2010

As Promised

Well, big thank you! The same day as my last post, my count went to 101! Since my husband Bruce is a follower too, he is exempted from the draw. As promised, the prize is a skein of silk.

At some time, I would love to see the project you make from it! I think we all would....

So I was sitting nursing a head cold and not up to much of anything useful, so I sat and did a small slip for each name in the list and then placed them into a bowl.

Doesn't look like 100 names does it? They are all in there! Today we gave the slips a good toss and while I took pictures, Bruce reached in and pulled the winner!

Rose and Thistle!


Please send me an email with your address to my email address: weever at shaw dot ca and I will wrap it up for the post! I also sent a message through the Google messaging. I had to join my own blog as a follower to do this which felt a little weird!
*if I haven't heard from Rose and Thistle one week from this post, then I will redraw for another winner*

My thanks to you all for visiting here and reading my blog. Its been an interesting experience personally making this commitment to sharing what I do for fun. I've made some wonderful friends and I only could have met them through the internet. Its also helped me keep close to old friends and see what they are weaving. I'm pleased that some of my visitors took the plunge and start blogs of their own. I know of at least three first hand and we are all the richer by it!


  1. I'm jealous! Congrats on making 100. :)

  2. Congrats, Rose and Thistle!!! ......I'm jealous too;) Lol!

  3. What a neat idea! I don't think this happens in the same way on wordpress blogs, so I feel like I am getting an insight into another culture over on planet blogspot...

  4. I need some help reaching Rose and Thistle! I have sent a google email and have not heard anything back.

    Does anyone know more information about this person?

    Worse case scenerio, I'll draw again in a week and start again!

  5. What a fun idea Susan. I'll have to emulate you and do something similar. Remember when you harassed, oops, I mean encouraged me to start my blog? You were so generous with your tips about blogging! I've had so much fun and learned so much thanks to your gentle prodding! Your BFF

  6. Congrats to Rose & Thistle! And happy 104 followers!
    Susan the shawl looks amazing. Hope your cold is a quick one and you feel better soon.

  7. June 22nd, Wow much to my surprise my name was drawn - I just discovered this today. Why, you may ask - well...I just moved cross country and have been out of communication for over 2 weeks. The move was from Illinois to Utah - you can imagine how stressful the move was - but we are here now - living in a bunch of boxes. My looms are here and are getting set up today - weaving will be commencing soon. Sorry I did not respond sooner and I certainly understand your need to redraw. Ah well, such is life. I love your blog and hope someday to actually be able to meet you. Happy weaving, Martha aka: Rose and Thistle

  8. Martha... would you please email me at weever at shaw dot ca please? Sorry you missed the draw but I have a second prize. :)



Thank you for visiting... I love to hear from you! Sorry about the comment moderation but I will post them quickly. This is necessary to screen out some nasty spam. If you can't read the numbers in the little box, then click on the "circle with an arrow" and it will give you another. Keep trying until you get one you can read okay? If you wish a reply back from me then either check back here, or leave someway for me to contact you. My email address is available in my profile. Thanks for reading my blog, Susan