
Friday, June 4, 2010

Island 2

As a post script to the last post, here's a group photo from our day on Salt Spring Island. This one arrived today from Jane's assistant Charlotte. So from left to right: Dawn, Jane, Lois, me and three Jane's more!

We each got our looms 'done' and then Jane gave each loom a good tune up and tweaked them. We talked about the sweet spot for optimal weaving but I mentioned that the shafts had floated up at the last workshop. We then realized that this was due to the piano wire pick up stick that we pushed forward towards the shafts. We were weaving at the right spot but the technique we were using caused the problem. So we all learned something when that little light went on!

Dorothy asked for some show and tell of what new yarns and such that had followed me home. I saw this Journal (for British Weavers)  which is a special commemorative issue for Peter Collingwood.  While I never took a class with him, I did have some interesting private email exchanges with him on the Weave Tech list. He certainly was willing to freely share what he knew with weavers everywhere.

I had such nice experience with my turned twill towels using 2/10 mercerized cottons that I brought home some basic cones for future projects. Basic cream with lace weaves in mind and a Christmas red.

Here we have white and I fell in love with this purple. No special project in mind, just loved it!
It sure was a great afternoon and I wish I could have had a couple of other friends along to join us. So we'll just have to go again when you come for a visit... darn! Maybe visit Treenway Silks too while we're there ? Okay, twist my arm!

I have about 35 inches done on the first shawl and its coming along nicely so next post I'll show you my progress.


  1. I am thoroughly jealous of your Island Hopping adventures at Jane's! Would love to visit with her and ask some Hollandia questions. But I am delighted to hear that Connor is doing great. Hugs to the gentleman please. :)

  2. Thank you for posting pictures of the yarns ! 2/10 mercerised cotton in natural and white seem to be good things to have as the basis for many projects. I must work on finding a source over here !
    The Christmas red and purple are stunning also !
    How nice to see you in a picture ! You are usually taking the pictures !!
    Wish I was nearer ! A visit to Jane and to Treenway would be essential ! Would need to bring a large empty suitcase and bottomless credit card !!


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