
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Smooth Operator!

This was as yummy as it looks! I baked this crustless quiche for our supper and Hubby thought it deserved a picture. Ham, mushrooms and Swiss Cheese with yellow bell pepper garnish. Its the Bisquick box recipe and I've been making it occasionally for 28 years and every one is different. This one lived up to it's great looks! :) Great hot or cold....

So now to what's happening here. Lots of garden work (post on that to come) and with an incoming heat wave promised by the weather forecasters that will slow progress there to just watering what has gone in as 'newbies'.

In the last post, I mentioned my new plain weave warps where the emphasis is on the colour. To repeat, it's 8/2 tencel set tightly at 36 epi, 5" wide woven and warp length of 72" for the two scarves in first red and then another warp in green. (I haven't counted the ppi.) I'm using 30/2 fine black silk as my weft. I get a rhythm going and gradually pick up speed...and then on autopilot I listen to my podcasts. Its pretty basic, but you know, it's actually a nice change of pace! I'll be ready for something a bit more challenging by the end of these four scarves.

Here's the second red under way. You can see that I just wound the variegated yarn as it came off the cake. I didn't try to pool the colours but will try next time.

The only thing that slowed me down was having to uncoil my hanging threads! I somehow missed two and they ride side by each. They tend to wrap themselves around each other and so I punch hole in a small piece of cardboard and thread the yarn through.

Keeps the 'Kids' neatly separated and no snarly messes! So two days and two scarves later, the next warp was quickly beamed and here's the green mix:

So olive was added to the black and Northern Lights. There is more than a touch of this green in the variegation and so it all pulls together nicely.

Here is the first portion of scarf number one! Um, I'd better give some thought to what is next at this pace and start winding! I'll then have four scarves and a shawl in the finishing pile so lots to do!
Show and tell to come when time allows. Are you doing summer weaving? Spinning outdoors? Heck, for those of you down under winter is prime weaving time and you don't have that nasty distraction we get in the middle of our winter *Christmas!* Only 171 days away!


  1. I like the scarves a lot and the idea of keeping 'your kids' seperated... I should have read this a few weeks ago. But I keep this in mind for my next disaster :-)

  2. The cardboard separator is a nifty idea!

  3. I wish we could reach out and touch that looks like it would just feel divine!!! That quiche recipe has been a standby for me for the last 20+ years! You can use just about anything!!

  4. Hi there ! The quiche looks lovely, could almost smell it from over here !!
    I like the plain weave with the fine silk weft, maybe that's the answer to that variegated hand dyed lace weight I got a while ago !
    Wonder what you have been thinking up for the next warp !!

  5. I love your idea of keeping the kids seperated!!!!!

    Scarves are looking pretty. I love black and red.

    Quiche looks so yummy!!! I love that recipe and haven't made it in ages.

  6. As the 'Complicated Twill' Princess, plain weave must be weird for you to weave!


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