
Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Little Man, Connor

Our Lakeland terrier, Connor at 8 weeks old. Simply too cute for his own paws!
(Summer 1997)

I think I got better looking with age!  (2006)

When are we going for a ride Dad? (June 2010)

Throw me another snowball Dad! (Winter 2008)

I'll hold it steady for you ..

You are running low on purple my ball in there?

Playing with Dad after bath time means.....

.....nap time soon after!

I don't need a haircut!

Okay maybe I did need one....  Are we done yet?

He wasn't dirty....what smell?

Got my Baby back

"Connor"  (CKC Wee Rufkins Tin Pan Alley)
May 13th, 1997 - September 24th 2010

Below is a small video ..

Connor doing what he loved best... playing soccer and very good at it too.
Edit: more pictures of Connor can also be seen  here


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss - today I took my 11 yr old corgi to the vet, and although he is still with us.....his days are numbered. Isn't it sad that the animals that give us such joy have such short lives?

  2. So sorry for your loss. Connor was such a special dog...and this post is a beautiful tribute.

    Somewhere, I hope there's a soccer ball for Connor tonight!

    Warmest regards,

  3. Understand your loss; sorrow's load is reduced by sharing...

  4. So very sorry :(, what a beautiful boy!
    Lost my buddy ,"Blue" ,last year after 17 years. Miss him terribly.

  5. Oh, Susan....I'm so sorry. Connor was so special. He will be missed.

  6. My condolences on the loss of Connor. No matter how many years we have with them, it's never quite long enough.

  7. Susan, So very sorry for your loss. Our pets become such a part of the family and leave such a void when they leave us. My thoughts are with you and Bruce this evening.
    Weaverly yours ..... Barbara

  8. Losing such a beautiful, special friend is heartbreaking. What wonderful memories you have to keep.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of Connor. He looks like he was just an awesome dog to share your lives with. The time seems so short with our beloved pets and it's so hard to say good bye to them....

  10. Even when you are prepared, you are never really prepared, are you? What a gorgeous wee chap and what a wonderful life he has had.


  11. I'm so sorry, Susan. They take a little piece of our heart with them when they go.

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost Connor, he was a beautiful dog and member of your family. Cindie

  13. Oh Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful dog he was! I too have recently lost pets, including a cat who'd been in the family for 16.5 years. They bring so much joy into our households. I hope his memory always puts a smile on your face and brings you comfort.

  14. Hi Bruce and Susan,
    How sad to hear about Connor. He was mentioned in many of Bruce's blogs and the love for this little dog came shining through. Enjoy your memories of this wonderful pet and and know we are feeling your sadness at this very hard time. Connor lived a wonderful and happy life with two fantastic and loving owners. Both of us are thinking of you with love. Linda and Tom

  15. The loss of a pet is a special sorrow like no other. You gave him a wonderful life. My thoughts are with you.

  16. I'm so sorry heart is with you and Bruce. He was such an incredible little man!

    Min xo

  17. Susan, I am so sorry! I know how deep the hurt is when you lose a beloved animal.
    Hugs to you,

  18. Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. It hurts so much to say goodbye to a beloved pet but I'm sure Connor will be with you forever. You've shared lots of joyful moments and those will stay always in your heart.

  19. I am so sorry for your loosing Connor - He looks like he was such a jolly little fellow. And as cute as he was as a puppy, he was a handsome guy as a dog.

  20. Susan & Bruce-

    To love one dog is a blessing, to be loved by a dog is everything.

    I am so very sorry to learn of Conner's passing, may his memory warm your hearts forever.

    hugs, Martha

  21. Susan, I am so, so sorry. Connor looks like he was such a sweetheart. I know you will miss him terribly.

  22. I'm so sorry about your little Connor. Dogs are just so great. Cats too. This post was a wonderful tribute to your little buddy.

  23. I am very sorry for your loss of such a beautiful friend.

  24. Susan and Bruce, I am so sorry to hear you Concor has passed away!!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing his pictures with us.

  25. Hi Susan - I know this is a belated post but I just wanted to add my condolences to the many lovely messages posted here.
    Your tribute to Connor is wonderful and I love the pictures of him, what a wee character he was and such a loyal member of a lovely family. What a lucky fellow he was !
    with kindest thoughts


  26. Connor was a beautiful boy. I lost my beautiful boy, Fergus, a Westie, on Sept 24, 2008. I'm so glad you have Calli to fill your hearts. We have Stuart, who is almost 5, and Aberdeen, 2, who fill our days with joy - and bark at the loom and chase stray balls of yarn!


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