
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fast, Fabulous.... and Fun!

Fair warning! This looks to be a long post so grab a cup of tea...  I took a quick flight to the Okanagan and I stayed with my best friend Lynnette. Seems she had everything lined up for the next few days and it started right away!   Above is a shot of their home, complete with new siding and colour scheme. The acacia tree was a blaze of gold and this picture doesn't do it justice.

That afternoon we went out to Lavington and met with the Monashee Weavers and Spinners at their weekly get together. It was great to see old friends and above is Eileen (left)  and Louise (on the right). Sadly I don't recall the lovely spinner in the middle.  Bernice, the hostess, made a pumpkin cheesecake to die for!

The next day we went on a tour of the area and I got to see all the new development. One stop was Predator Ridge Golf Course and all the beautiful homes up there on the hills called the Commonage. We did a tour of the two show homes and admired, or picked apart their choices of layout and furnishings! I was happy to see the colours I chose for our older home are still in vogue.
Here's the kitchen in one that had a unique settle for the seating at the dining room table.

They thought of everyone! Including the pets..... Connor would have loved this!

At the very top of the hills, is a world class health wellness resort, "Sparkling Hills". This is front entry way and the architecture is amazing! The welcome signs has crystals set into them and they twinkled in the sun.

The next day was the Kelowna Ponderosa Weavers and Spinners Guild's annual spin in event!

It was very well attended with approx 46 spinners as well as visitors and shoppers, kitchen help, and spouses popping in and out. It was neat that I knew roughly 80% of those there and as you can see from the picture above, there was lots of chatting and catching up being done by everyone. This spin in draws people from all over the Valley and surrounding areas.... and some, like me, came from afar.  (Great idea Lynnette!!)
Here's Lynnette chatting and shopping. There were four vendors and they did a brisk business! We both scored some goodies (and mine I will share with you next post).

Lynnette did sit and spin, though neither of us got much spinning done that day. There was too much to do  and so many friends to see, and shopping to be done!
Gudrun came down from the Shuswap to see me! It was wonderful to see her and Alfred again.

My husband Bruce had been staying with his Mum and catching up on old times. He was visiting with old friends as well. (Bruce was a helper in the kitchen at former spin in's when we lived in the Valley and quite a hit with the gals!)

Show and Tell was simply amazing! I took many pictures but will show just a few here:

Gudrun wove these lovely double weave ladies shawls! Much nicer in person...

Lynnette's shibori scarves were getting close, appreciative consideration here!

Ngaire wove this lovely scarf as a test ahead of weaving the competition shawl at the recent sheep to shawl event  in Salmon Arm. The green scarf to the right is also her weaving as well.
..... and here's the 1st prize winning shawl! We went home tired and still buzzing from all the energy in that room. Inspired by the beautiful weaving and spinning we saw there.

Sunday was a day of rest ..... but also a dinner party to get ready for. Lynnette is an amazing cook and the onion glazed pot roast with marsala was fabulous. I enjoyed meeting her family and sharing a meal and conversation with them. Here's the table all set.

I had some time to browse the weaving studio and admire the latest projects and the array of those completed:
I also enjoyed the fall fresh air on their deck and  I snuck a few fresh cherry tomatoes off the vines in the garden:

This past Monday we all headed north to Salmon Arm, where we had a fabulous lunch at "Table 24", and then onto Squilax and over the Shuswap River to Roderick Haig-Brown Park to see the Adams salmon run. There have been dismal runs in past years but this one is a one in one hundred year event with literally millions returning to spawn.

Here's Lynnette and Ngaire as we head over to the viewing platform. Hubby/ Dad Michael was there as well but dodged the camera! I have some fish pictures but please bear in mind that they were taken with a mobile phone camera. Really nice clear pictures can be seen at Lynnette's blog post.

This seemed to be a pair that were going to see things through to the end and I did see the female start to dig a nest in the gravel. The Park Ranger told me that they had been there for two days off in the back water and the male fish had been running off other males. I guess I'm a romantic at heart and out of the thousands we saw there, these two stuck with me.

This was to be the end of their love story..... and as Lynnette said, the smell was quite something!

Here Lynnette is going above and beyond (the barrier!) to get the best shots! I took some short video clips but they would be too long long to load up here.

The next day I said my thank you's and good bye's and then went to my mother in laws and had a visit. Then off to the airport and home. Our flight home was beautiful as we flew home into the sunset:

Last view of Okanagan Lake as we head west....

Almost at the coast and now descending to 20,000 feet. The valleys are filled with low cloud or fog, and you can see the Fraser River. That white mountain is Mount Baker in Washington State. (click to enlarge)

Over the Gulf Islands... and almost there!

This is Sansum Narrows....

Here's the final approach over the Saanich Peninsula....      It was a grand time and I loved every minute.
The next morning I woke with a head cold..... oh well!


  1. Lovely post! It was great to see what happens when you get spinners and weavers together (all my spin ins are online, I can't wait for the real thing one day! Ngaire's scarf is gorgeous.

  2. Great post. Seemes like you had a great time.

    Aren't spinning and weaving just great things to do?

  3. What an absolutely wonderful trip! All those lovely hand-woven items, the spinning (and lots of Lendrums I see), then the fish and the lovely flight home. A cold seems a small price to pay. :)

  4. Hi there - what a great post with some wonderful pictures ! It is great to see both you and Lynnette having such a good time. Great to see Gudrun, and how nice of her to come all the way to see you.
    Hope that cold is on the mend now !



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