
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Out of the Shadows

I've been a member of the Guild of Canadian Weavers since 1997 and for a time, even served as their president. (There are plans for a whole new web page to come soon!) In 2007 weaving exchanges were revived and have continued successfully since and I have participated every year. There has been a wonderful variety: tea towels with a tartan theme,  finger tip guest towels, card inserts and for 2010, a scarf exchange. It started with Carolyn Houlden in 2007 as the exchange coordinator and for the past couple of years Lynnette has been their coordinator.  I dare say getting all those packages in the mail at the deadline must be very exciting!  Sort of like a Weaver's Christmas. (sorry I said that word.... but it is coming....)

This beautiful shadow weave scarf arrived in my mail box a few days ago and I'm thrilled with it! It was woven by Patricia who lives in Ontario and she would have received a scarf as well, (but not mine). It is woven with black and silver  2/8 tencel, sett 20 epi for plain weave and impeccably woven. Check the edges! (click to enlarge)

There were also a clear record of the project and draft:

Now, Patricia is weaver who I would love to visit and spend time in her studio! But as she is way over on the other side of the country so that is not going to happen any time soon unfortunately. The scarf will look wonderful on my black wool coat this winter!

One other participant provided a sample on her technique for the other weavers:

By using a shaped cardboard in front of the regular reed, it mimics a fan reed or 'ondelle'. (not sure if I have that spelt right)   A very interesting technique!

The scarf I sent in? Well, it was the green version of the scarves in this post .


  1. What a lovely surprise to discover in your mailbox!! It's a beautiful scarf that will be great to wear this winter.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  2. You are happy ,seem to have gotten the meaning of it all.Happy anniversary!

  3. Hi there - what a lovely scarf and as you say so nicely woven ! i love the draft.
    Great photos of you both ! many congratulations on 25 years !


  4. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful scarves too - great exchange idea.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!! What a lovely couple.
    I love the scarf btw....beautiful.

  6. Wow Susan! First, Happy 25th anniversary. Your blog is looking beautiful and I continue to be impressed and inspired.

  7. What a great couple. Congratulations.
    Gruß Silvia

  8. Happy Anniversary! Gorgeous scarf, I love the contrast of black and white very striking.

  9. Susan,
    Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary, may there be at least 25 more!!!

    Beautiful scarf in your mail box, yes, exchanges are exciting; more so when everyone meets the deadlines.

    Weaverly yours ...... Barbara

  10. What a scarf! Superb.

  11. Happy anniversary!!!

    I just googled "fan reed" and ended up here! What a happy surprise!


  12. Happy anniversary! Hope you all had fun!

  13. What a beautiful scarf!!! And it will go with anything.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!! You both look so happy.

  14. Happy anniversary!!!!!!! I hope you have a long(-er) happy and healthy life together.

    And the scarf? lovely.

  15. Thanks for showing my 'plain weave with a little wiggle' scarf.

    Congrats on 25 years!



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