
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Between Two Pages

I have been participating in the Guild of Canadian Weavers annual weaving exchange now for some years. They are quite addicting and certainly low pressure. Hostess Lynnette gives the assignment in the early spring and then have until October 1st. to turn them in, with minor postage costs. So far we have done: tea towels, card inserts, guest towels, runners and here, scarves and this year the theme is book marks. Design, weave and send in four and get four back. That's it.

I've never woven anything this small before! I dug out all my books on small drafts and weaving miniatures. Not satisfied there, I moved onto looking through my sample binders at actual woven samples for inspiration. Now I love fancy twills. Their simple threading and intricate treadling runs can produce intricate patterns that look impossibly complex. I found my friend Gudrun's draft and set to finding the right materials. I have a nice selection of 20/2 cottons but I spied a small cone of a fine  gold linen that had been absorbed into my stash from somewhere. No size is recorded and its a bit larger than 20/2. I do plan to use the McMorran balance to determine its yardage and size before I turn my project in. { Edit: I snipped away at the thread on the McMorran balance and came away with 39" which you multiply by 100 for 3900 yards per pound. Not certain which size this corresponds to but....   Anyone have an idea? Please leave a comment. }

So here's the draft again. My warp is 3 yards long, sett is 47 epi and is 2 inches in the reed. Edge threads are black 20/2 cotton and centre warp is my fine mystery linen. The linen will give a nice firm quality to the book marks.

It was wound, beamed and set into the raddle all in under an hour! What a treat!

Everything is quite compact and dense!

This is a 20 dent reed and it's sleyed 2,2,3. So all this was done in quick time.... until we get to the tie up!
I have a cranky lower back and I need a 12 treadle / 12 shaft tie up. The Louet Spring is a light loom and we 'cheat' by lifting her up onto crates:

That pile of ties is only half... the other pile is over to the left. I took a few days to get it done doing 3-4 treadles a day. One reason why I'm planning multiple projects from a tie up!

Calli held the carpet down and kept me company. There is a perfect circle of toys around the loom!

Finally I laced on to reduce loom waste and treadled the network treadling and I really like it! So tiny and compact. The pattern below is only half the bookmark and I wove another repeat, then hemstitched.

Then I wove some using the threading as my treadling (or'as drawn in' or 'tromp as writ') and I really liked this version too. During the second half of this warp, I had a linen warp thread part company. Most likely due to tension. I had a heck of a job trying to find the various ends, the heddle involved and fishing in a repair thread. It was a very tight situation and eventually it called for help from hubby and his head lamp 'cyclops' to brighten up 47 heddles crammed into one inch! We finally found it and got it squared away.

It was all woven and done in no time! I took the warp off and gently soaked in in warm sudsy water, primarily to tighten up the pattern. I left them all linked and plan to cut apart later. Linen doesn't like having its cut warp ends washed and they can get ratty.

Next, I used a rotary cutter and cutting mat for a nice clean edge.

Here's a clean edge.  I went on to cutting it shorter by half again as the fringe looked out of proportion.

So here's the final show and tell and they are ready to go on their way later this fall!  They were fun to weave up and it was a quick project. I also learned about miniature weaving and I would like to explore this in more depth at some point.

Woven network style:

Then woven as threaded, or as drawn in.... and also know as "tromp as writ" from very old drafts.

Now I have a habit of resting my shuttle on the project underway and I forgot how narrow my warp was and somehow I nudged the shuttle and it lurched sideways and it fell point first onto the top of my left foot. It HURT and it developed a large goose egg lump right away and my first  thought was "uh oh, that's gonna bruise"
That was an under statement!

First one shows the swelling and the second the lovely evolving colours!

The whole thing over the last week has turned shades of green and purple and its crept right down into my toes. I can walk okay (for the most part) but there is still a sizeable lump where it impacted and its tender to touch. I have woven with either socks in winter and bare feet in summer and been doing this since 1995 with no mishaps. I know that some weave with shoes on or slipper style shoes but I have portions of my feet that are numb (due to my back injury) so I need to really be able to feel the skinny treadles. I think I will carry on in my usual manner but be extra careful about where I place the shuttle from now on!

I have two completely naked looms! Time to get some threads moving!


  1. Oh my! Both patterns are wonderful, but I am really drawn to the one that is tromp as writ. I'm picturing it in cotton material for a Medieval dress. (I know linen would be more appropriate, but cotton is less expensive.) Hmm...maybe in a dark blue and green for the warp and weft... Would you mind if I took inspiration from your project?

  2. Hi - those bookmarks are wonderful especially the 'tromp as writ' one. The gold linen is very classy. Great pictures again ! What a sore foot though, that would take a while to heal.
    The draft would make lovely scarves also !

  3. Lovely, Susan! I agree with Melissa; love the tromp as writ. But both are spectacular. You have really opened my eyes to complex twills...

  4. I wanted to tell you how much I admire your book marks (I do hihi) then I saw the pictures of your foot. Ouch! I feel so sorry for you.
    But your book marks are great :-)

    Still, have a nice weekend.

  5. very elegant bookmarks - they're wonderful! Yikes on the foot!

  6. Susan, your poor foot! Hope it is feeling much better and way less tender. The book marks are just beyond beautiful, the tromp as writ pattern is my favorite. The gold linen is lovely when I first viewed it I thought it was glowing...still do.

    Callie, is a great carpet sweet. Want to pet her sweet little ears.

    Hope you feel better, be careful with those shuttles.


  7. Lovely bookmarks. The foot colours not so much! ;)

  8. LUV the tromp as writ!
    OUCHIE on the foot. Um, rest, ice, compress, elevate! I know I know, ya can't weave if your foot is elevated...but ya should have elevated right away, and iced right DOES make a difference. Just sayin.......ask me how I know?!

  9. I can't wait to get these beauties in the mail! They look extremely elegant and this is a real reminder that I've gotta get cracking on mine!
    Oh my ~ the bruise looks very nasty indeed.

  10. Hi Susan,
    Beautiful bookmarks - what a wonderful exchange. A lot of threads per inch, you are the "master" at that. The lucky person/persons who will get your bookmark in the exchange. Well done.

    Nasty looking foot, hopefully much better now. Ice, rest and keeping it up should help. Who knew weaving could be so dangerous.

    Weaverly yours .... Barbara

  11. Congratulations; what pretty bookmarks. But also, commiserations; such a sore foot. I hope it's beginning to mend. Wb.

  12. What a lovely weave! Sends "twill thrills" down my spine :-)
    Poor foot, though, I hope your are getting better, Susan. I prefer to weave barefoot in the summer too!

  13. Beautiful! Beautiful! Enough said.

  14. I'm so glad Melissa included a link to this. How amazingly beautiful this is. Thank you for sharing!

  15. What lovely weaving. Such an inspiration.

    And what a bruise! Try some arnica gel maybe? At least it is cooling.

  16. Stunning bookmarks!!! (And bruise!)

  17. Liebe Susan,

    davon träume ich, Deine superschönen Lesezeichen als Schal zu weben. Als Begrüßungsbild sehr gelungen. Gute Besserung für den Fuß.

    Liebe Grüße von Ate

  18. The last comment is in German, which 'Babylon 9' translates as:

    Dear Susan, your beautiful bookmarks of which I dream as a scarf to weave. As Begrußungsbild very successful. Good improvement for the foot. Greetings from ATE

    From Susan:
    Thank you for all the great comments!
    It seems that everyone loves a fancy twill! I know I sure do...

  19. Sorry about the foot! The bookmarks are beautiful, though, unlike that bruise. My spreadsheet says that linen at 3900 ypp is between 20/2 linen (3,000 ypp) and 30/2 (4500 ypp). Some linen I've had for a long time (and it's from an estate sale, so who knows how old it really is) is in very odd sizes that don't correspond to any of the usual sizes we see today.

  20. Wow! These are gorgeous! The fine details are amazing! Looks like Calli is a great weaving companion. :-) I hope your foot is feeling better. That looks like it hurt really bad! Yikes!


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