
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seeing Red

As my regular readers know I have some back issues and so climbing under looms to do tie up's can take some time for me. So I've been trying to leave a tie up in place on the Louet and create a second project from it. I took the draft from the recent book mark project and made a few changes to the threading and got this:

This shows a network style treadling but when the treadling touches down at 'one' again is the end of the repeat and that is where I added in the centre 'V's as shown in the threading to create a border of sorts at the start of the scarf. I plan to weave the whole scarf now as one big undulation of the pattern and complete with a separate boxes at the other end.

Here you can see its started and underway. I'm using 10/2 tencel sett 28 epi and for my weft I'm using 30/2 black silk. It takes a lot of concentration and weaving to make an inch!  Look at this tidy little world...maybe click to enlarge:

Tencel is known for its high sheen so I was trying to get a picture without the glare and so changed the angle  and got the shine from the silk instead!

The twill diagonal is a perfect 45 degrees too! So my yarn sizes and beat are perfect for each other. Now that's a happy accident!
The second scarf will be the boxes with the 'V's in between each but that is all paused while I wind and load a warp on the big loom.  So I will give you a look at that next and see if we can get the scarves woven off. Its summer and so the great outdoors is calling.... that and we've had no rain for 4-5 weeks and so no real excuses for sitting at a loom right now. Off to a house warming today... to welcome an old friend to her new neighbourhood!  The house warming gift? the usual bottle of good quality (local) wine and a handwoven towel for her kitchen!


  1. Love the red and black combination and the draft looks very interesting !
    Happy housewarming, lucky friend to be getting a 'Susan' Tea towel ! I know 'cause I've got one !!

  2. That is stunning!!!! I love the colors.

  3. I'm always so impressed with how you tweak and change and get your best mileage out of a given draft! Black/red will always be a winning combination; and you've succeeded again with creating a gorgeous example. It's always so much fun to see what's on your looms, Susan!

  4. Susan, lovely work. Lucky friend of yours receiving one of your master pieces and some wine to go with it. Hope your back is not giving you fits.

  5. Just gorgeous, as your work always is.

  6. Susan your work is just beautiful!!!! Love the red and black combination, as well as the draft you came up with.

  7. Susan your work is just beautiful!!!! Love the red and black combination, as well as the draft you came up with.


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