
Saturday, October 22, 2011

And a Good Time was had by All !

This very large old tree is at the entrance to the  "Island Savings Centre" where the Cowichan Fleece and Fibre Fair was held today. I can't say that I'm a fan of naming buildings after businesses but it seems to be done everywhere now.
I can recall seeing this tree just as it was beginning to leaf up this past spring and now suddenly its autumn and down they come.
There is something special about this tree....

Its hollow! Click to see better.... it doesn't seem to interfere with it's annual duties....

Inside the Centre it was a sea of people and kids and they were there for the fibre and fun!

Alison was in a corner with children and parents everywhere and they were busy creating masterpieces on their "L" looms.

Janette (left) and Karen (right) manned the table for the guild and what you can't see here is the baskets and bins with yarns for sale below the table. Jan was there too but I think she had gone on her lunch break.
{There wasn't much left to my stash goodies! In fact by the end of the day, I have a few books left to come back home and there are the larger cones of  mixed acrylic/ cottons which I have now donated to the guild. That's it!}

I bought some gently used, one pound cone of 10/2 mercerized cotton in a soft robin's egg blue at the guild table and two older Handwoven magazines. I didn't have my list with me of what I need to complete my collection so I went on the basis of 'I don't recognize these covers'  and for $2.00 for both, I couldn't lose!

Humming Bee Farm had a lovely display and I drooled over the (not for sale) shuttles and old bobbins.

Near by Leola was having a great conversation with a (new? old?) friend...

Her booth / table looked great! Her studio spaces is amazing and she must have close on 40 (yes, forty) looms all warped up and ready to go in the three studios. I'll have to do a feature on her activities one day soon...

At a little table I spotted this young lady, Nancy, and her amazing needle felted creations!

She had little owls, dragons and even a mouse or squirrel with life like eyes. Check her blog out! There are great pictures of the owls and creatures she makes.

She also had this grand old man  " King Winter". I wondered what the Queen will be like one day soon?

I couldn't see a business name here but there were many colourful  projects at this rug hooking display. They are like paintings with cloth!

Jeannette (in red) of Hummingbird Fibre Arts was busy! There was a veritable kaleidoscope of dyed fibre all around her. It was hard to resist! 

Michelle (left) and friend was wearing a big grin as she told me that seven  large bins of fibre was all gone to new homes. That's the last of it on the table. The *serious* shoppers were at the door at opening and knew what they wanted!  I turned up in the lunch time lull so I wasn't all that serious   :)

Heather, of Conheath Farm,  took a moment to pose for the camera. We exchanged cards....

While Heather wrote up sales, I noticed the needle felted nativity scenes tucked in the corner. Christmas is not that far away after all!

The crowd in the hall started to pick up again and the vendor's attention turned to customers once more. I decided it was time to make a graceful exit. It had been raining earlier in the day and now it brightened up and the sun was trying to shine through.

I made my annual stop to photograph this row of trees that I call the "Dancing Ladies". They are not in full colour as yet so I may stop again in a few days time. The property where they line the drive is now for sale. Its 33.5 acres with a lovely home and out buildings and no neighbours near by. Oh, and this is their view:

Please click to enlarge and see more detail in the picture. The turn off to my street and home is just down the road from here and I never tire of coming over the hill and seeing this view open up to the east. The two distant peaks are actually on Saltspring Island, with Mount Maxwell on the left. The dip in between is where the little community of Maple Bay sits.

The view at home isn't shabby either.... our Japanese maple is so bright red, the leaves look like they are floating on air! The darker green foliage frames the tree nicely. Complimentary colours at their best!

Now, to take these colours and move them to a loom!


  1. Thanks for the glimpse into a perfect fiber day! (The scenery was a bonus!)

  2. I love that are right, it is special.

  3. The fiber fair was a resounding success I can tell from looking at the pictures. Sure wish I could have been there to shop for all the goodies! The big tree in your first shot is just beautiful and how unusual to learn it is hollow. Glad to hear you had a good time! Curious to hear about Leola's studio.

  4. What a great looking fair! Work has kept me so busy I haven't been able to do much lately- but I did get some dyeing done yesterday. That felt great.

  5. What a great post and some lovely pictures of the fibre day, you really captured the 'buzz' !
    Glad most of your 'clear out' sold and you didn't come home with enough to replace it !
    The maple tree is lovely especially framed by the dark green foliage, yes, I can feel weaving colours in there somewhere !



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