
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Life Intervenes

This is a busy time of year for all of us and apparently its become even busier for me! I have been  wearing many hats lately but 'weaver' has not been one of them!

My husband had a routine test procedure in early November and  mid month came down very sick with a resulting infection from it. It all happened quite quickly and resulted in an emergency operation this past weekend. There was lots of driving to and fro to hospital and keeping family and friends informed, all managed along with running a house and also walking a dog!

who could say no to this face?!

It was good to bring him home from hospital but the same day Hub started to complain about his ankle. It was swollen and bruised looking and he had no recollection of how this happened. Within a day or so it became worse and he could put no weight on it at all. I was out beating the bushes looking for crutches in a hurry!  Once he got a pair of those, life got easier!

So now I'm nurse, cook, dishwasher, laundress, errand runner, dog walker .... oh, and Christmas shopper too and .....well, none of it includes weaving right now.

The big one day sale happened in Salmon Arm yesterday and I heard that I did very well! Here's a link to the Facebook page with pictures of the day!     Lynnette tells me I sold: 7 tea towels, 2 guest towels, and 3 scarves!  I'll get the final tally and unsold  items back shortly.  My white snowflake twill shawl had many admirers but sadly no takers!

This post isn't entirely with out weaving content!  I can at least show you where things were left when I had to become "Nurse Ratchet"

I decided to go with the third variation after all!

The pattern is quite striking and must be my favourite of the three treadling variations!

So this has an elaborate point twill threading and  treadled snowflake style, which is also called a twill progression.  Nothing else changed. The tie up remained the same and as you can see, you can effect quite a change by merely changing the way you 'dance the treadles'. It almost has a 3D look to it and when you view it from the side the diamonds look like they are raised up from the cloth!

I *hope* to have the scarves done and off the loom for the next post and I can show you the three different looks side by side! Well, I'll try!

On the Louet, the snowflake twill is patiently waiting....

Its funny as normally I will switch looms to get a change but right now I have the same treadling happening on both looms!  I can do snowflake twill in my sleep now and its the only place where weaving is happening for the time being!


  1. Hi there - you have done well to do this posting amongst all the turmoil ! Hope that means things are settling down a bit for you both. Hope Bruce is on the road to recovery and you can get on with planning that family Christmas.
    The scarves look lovely as ever ! You have done well at the sale, some lucky people with some nice gifts for Christmas.
    Take care

  2. So sorry to hear how things are going lately.
    I hope things turn out better soon.

    Maybe you even have time then to weave and make me enjoy your work.

    But health comes first.

  3. Here's to hoping that mending and resuming impending Holiday normalcy (is there such a thing) is on order from now on. In the midst of the chaos, you still manage to have lovely work on the looms, so something can be said for that! My best wishes go to Bruce's mending and you both having a wonderful Holiday!

  4. Hoping Bruce makes a very speedy recovery on all fronts. I'm sure Callie would like her main walker back and Nurse Ratchet has much more fun as a weaver. ;)
    Glad the sale went well .

  5. Oh dear, sorry to hear about all of Bruce's mishaps. I hope he is on the mend and behaving himself as a convalescent should! How gratifying to have the good sales news at a challenging time - I'm sure that has given you a boost :-)

  6. So hoping that Bruce is on the mend and that you are not hurting your back with all the nursing duties. Hugs to you both....

  7. Sorry to hear about your hubby's bad luck. I wish him a speedy recovery. Your weaving looks amazing! And...your dog...well, I know how irresistable that face can be. We have an airedale too and she looks a lot like yours. :-)

  8. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery. It has been awhile since I have left a comment but still reading your blog! Don't forget to take a moment for yourself as well. Take care.

  9. Hope your husband is on the fast track to recovery. Even with minimal weaving time, your pieces are lovely!!!!


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