
Saturday, December 17, 2011

21 and counting

In 21 days, or on January 8th, 2012 I will have been keeping this blog for four years! It was a leap of faith to start it. To think that people would be interested in what I do and what I have to say!

I had all kinds of intentions of keeping it on topic and no personal stuff but time progressed and life's events interrupted my weaving and so there went that condition!

I have 'met' many of you through the blog and developed some wonderful friendships. I can also count four or five blogs that you might also follow as having had a big nudge from me to get their start. I can spot a new blogger in the making a mile away!

I have tried to add blogs to my long list as I find them and try to be inclusive of textile blogs from all over. If you have a favourite that you like to visit and think it would be a great addition to my list, please send me the address!

So why the picture of the towels?  Well, I have one (sadly, just one) navy guest towel (with the single row of hemstitching) and on my Blogiversary, January 8th, 2012, I will draw a name from my list of 'Regular Readers' (or formerly Followers) and they will receive this guest towel as a gift from me.  That is the only condition: be a Follower and be entered to win.
Yes, this is me trying to get that number to shift... I'm stuck  and it goes up by two and then drops by three, then up by one and... well you get the idea!   I'm also saying thanks for reading!
Anyhow, good luck!

Our lives have resumed a more normal pattern, interspersed with occasional tests and doctor appointments. Hubby does not have infection in his foot bones so we are happy with that news! Both surgical sites are healing well and he's resting lots and actually listening to me! ( the married women out there are gobsmacked by the one I'm sure!) We have decorated the house, put up the tree and tomorrow some outdoor lights will be added to the deck railings to light up the dark. There is just the final polish to be put on the house and the special grocery shopping for the Day to come. My family will be arriving on the 22nd and the fun and games will be under way!
Apart from admiring what is already in progress on the looms, no weaving will be happening for a spell.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and that you spend the time with friends and family! That Santa recalls that special something from your textile / tool wish list!  I will try to get a post up again after Christmas!

All the best, Susan

PS. Be sure to check out my sale page! Everything is listed now.


  1. Susan, SO glad to hear that Bruce is progressing nicely in his recovery. That's a pretty good Christmas present in itself! You both have a wonderful time over the holidays with friends and family. Big hugs and best wishes for a wonderful New Year to you and yours.


  2. So good to hear the Bruce is finally on the mend and seeing results! I send my heartfelt wishes to you and your family for a healthy and peaceful Holiday visit.

    Merry Christmas, Susan!!

  3. Congrats on the blog anniversary-sharing personal stuff is part of the life of the weaver and it totally on topic! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. Yours is one of my favorite blogs. I'm not sure if I show up in your count of followers. I have you in an RSS reader on my phone, so I never miss a post, but also never comment, so I thought I'd let you know that you have one more follower than you might be aware of. I especially like seeing your 12-shaft projects, as I also have a 12 shaft loom. You have inspired me to try using beads on shawls and scarves, which I haven't actually done yet, but have purchased beads for future projects. I also think you have a great balance of weaving and "life" in your blog. Having dug a new well just 2 years ago, I have enjoyed that saga as well. Interestingly, I feel a kinship to you, although we have never met. I'm not a blogger, but I love the blogging world! I'm looking forward to the next 4 years of your posts.


  5. Hurray for healing! Hurray for Bruce! Hurray for 4 years of awesome blog posting. Hurray for having met you through your blog and inspiring me to start one of my own. Hurray for Christmas! Merry Christmas

  6. Thought Betty & I better start checking here'REGULAR', since you are lett'n-us-know-'bout-BRUCE, as well as your 'fiber-activity'.

    Glad to hear it's go'n so good !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Gratulations with your almost fourth anniversary, and good to hear your husband is feeling better now.

  8. Happy Happy Anniversary!!!! I enjoy your blog very much, and have set a goal for myself of learning to hemstitch from your tutorials in the coming year. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!

  9. I'm so glad to hear your hubby is doing so much better. Sounds like you're doing well with Christmas stuff too. Life has been so crazy around here that I feel like I'm just getting started. Ugh! I have so much to do. I'm trying to have fun with it though. But, I have to admit that I keep sneaking in some knitting time of something for me. I can't wait to finish all the holiday stuff because I have some ideas stirring around in my head for weaving. Those towels are gorgeous! You've got me curious...I'll have to look and see how long I've been blogging. It might be about the same as you. Merry Christmas! :-)

    P.S. My Airedale, Salsa, has been laying by my feet a lot lately as I've been knitting and crocheting. I'm glad she's finally starting to calm down a bit...sometimes. ;-)

  10. Happy Christmas to you and Bruce. Stay happy, and stay well.

  11. I have followed you since the beginning, I love your blog! At some point my blog was linked from yours, somehow it fell of the list :(
    Even personal stuff is important to share, that is where you get the real connection.
    I have my 20+!
    Waiting for quieter times to install it, I can't wait! Thanks for all your help with this, and all the tutorials you take the time to write.

  12. Hi Laritza
    I don't know how that happened but its all fixed now!

    Thanks for telling me...


  13. Merry Cristmas from the sunny and warm Canaries!
    Thanks a lot for putting my Blog in your list and I would really love to win the beautyful towel!

  14. I checked to make sure I had commented for the blogaversary and I can't believe I hadn't!

    I'm glad your husbands back home and hope recovers this time.


Thank you for visiting... I love to hear from you! Sorry about the comment moderation but I will post them quickly. This is necessary to screen out some nasty spam. If you can't read the numbers in the little box, then click on the "circle with an arrow" and it will give you another. Keep trying until you get one you can read okay? If you wish a reply back from me then either check back here, or leave someway for me to contact you. My email address is available in my profile. Thanks for reading my blog, Susan