
Saturday, December 31, 2011

First Time in 30 Years....

Meet Bruce, my hubby of 27+ years. For the third time in two months he's back in the hospital fighting a  MRSA super bug. Seems the abscess in his thumb has flared up again, even though he was taking antibiotics.
He's been there three days now and more or less resigned to the fact. You'd be right in guessing there's no weaving going on here right now. Though I did manage to take down the Christmas tree at 3 am last night...I couldn't sleep and it was annoying me standing there so 'cheerful'!

So for the first time in 30 years we are apart on New Year's eve. We'd normally be at home sipping something and barely stay awake to see the new year in before going to bed.... but we'd be together.

May I wish you all a happy, healthy 2012!

Edit New Years Day: They let him go home today and we're hoping third time's a charm!

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful messages!

Susan and Bruce


  1. oh wishes to you both for a better New Year health wise than the end of it has been.

  2. Sorry to hear the bugs haven't been combated yet. I'm sending you both positive energy from way down south.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. Maybe you can do-over when he is released.

  4. I like Meg's idea. The new year starts when Bruce gets home! Hope that is soon and permanent this time. Warmest wishes to both of you, and to Callie too of course.

  5. Seems a simple thing in this day and age to rid oneself of a bug, but they've gotten tougher too. Best wishes and lots of hope that this round will do the job and Bruce will be back home soon. I understand perfectly about that too cheerful tree!
    Big hugs to you and Bruce and may the new year smooth out and be wonderful from here on in!

  6. Hi Susan - Sorry to hear Bruce is back in the hospital, my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery are with you and Bruce. Not a great way to start the New Year, though he is where he needs to be to get the medical attention. I hope the hospital stay will be a short one. You look after yourself, it is always stressful for the caregiver. You will be back to weaving soon and a normal routine. All the best to you and Bruce in 2012. Weaverly yours ... Barbara

  7. That $%#! MRSA - it can be so tough to eradicate. My wishes for his speedy return to your loving home and arms.

  8. Have a much better rest of the year!

  9. Sending out a prayer for your husband to come home cured and well.

  10. Please know that I am thinking of your both and sending my best healing thoughts to Bruce!.

  11. Susan, even though this was not a great new years eve for the two of you, I wish you both joy, love and health in this new year.

    You might enjoy reading about a new relationship (doggie and lady)that began yesterday at:

    Hope your Bruce gets back home and healing very soon.

  12. so sorry to hear that. I hope he feels better soon. *internet hugs*

  13. I'm so sorry to hear your hubby is back in the hospital. That bug needs to leave him alone once and for all! I hope he gets well VERY soon! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2012!

  14. Hoping for a much better continuation of the year......!

  15. That stinks, and I hope that he is home with you soon.....wishing a better 2012 for both of us, eh?

  16. So sorry to hear that Bruce is back in the hospital! I hope he gets past this infection quickly, and comes back home soon.

  17. Edit New Years Day: They let him go home today and we're hoping third time's a charm!

    Thank you everyone for your thoughtful messages!

    Susan and Bruce

  18. Just got home & checked mail, etc. finding your news of the NEW YEAR !!!!!!

    Asking for SOME IMPROVEMENT, as we continue to keep y'all in our prayers !!!!

  19. Happy New Year. Hope all goes well with your husband's set back. Hope to see you soon.

  20. Oh, darn. I thought he was finally on the mend. Out! Out! Damned bugs.

    Big hugs! Wishing you both happiness and improved health in the New Year.

  21. Hope Bruce is making speedy progress and as you say third time lucky.
    Take care of each other.

  22. Hope your husband feels better soon. That's a lousy way to start the New Year :(

  23. I dearly hope he is better. Will pray for him. -Catherine

  24. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Bruce. I'm so sorry to hear about the nasty bug he's been fighting! I wish both of you a very Happy and healthy 2012.

  25. Best wishes for Bruce and I wish him good health- and you too! These MRSAs are nothing to mess with. Happy New Year, and may it only get better from here out.


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