
Monday, April 30, 2012

Soft Hearted

It seems little Ethan is having some trouble settling into his new home and is keeping his parents up at night. He is showing  personality already with likes and dislikes, or is that preferences? Ah, I remember those days and nights with my two children as babies!  My son says that what seems to work (for now at least) is to breastfeed him into a 'milk coma' and gently lay him down in his bassinet.   Poor guy sounded real tired! No doubt new Mum is too...

Lets talk more baby blankies! These are meant as receiving blankets. The first post, including draft can be found here.  Its an 8 shaft, 10 treadle point twill pattern and I've used 8/2 cottons, sett 24 epi. They were 36" in the reed and woven to 36" in length. The small turned hem matched the draw in and shrinkage and so they are still relatively square.   Here's the plaid one closer up:

The colours used in larger portion in the blanket formed my weft choices: lilac and peach. Remember, at the time the project was planned, we didn't know it was a boy so all choices were gender neutral.

Lilac version and a close up view..... (all which will show better if you click on them)

... and the peach version.  Oh, he's going to be one spoilt baby from all the visitors, and relatives that have been lining up to see him.  

I'd come to appreciate the quieter life here on Vancouver Island with no big city stuff such as traffic jams, pollution (noise, light and air) and more affordable living.  Now I feel too far away!  I guess we'll be going over more often and we can look forward to them coming here. 

In the mean time....

Happy Birthday Petunia!  
My daughter in 1986, chosen to the the flower girl at the 100th anniversary celebration of the CP steam locomotive 374's  arrival in Vancouver. 


  1. Hi Susan - your baby blankets are beautiful, hopefully Ethan will soon settle down, wrapped in a beautiful handwoven blanket and sleep the night away! Thank you for sharing the story and details of the blankets, always nice to see your wonderful weaving. Take care, and enjoy the spring weather. Weaverly yours ... Barbara

  2. Such a beautiful little blanket! Happy birthday to your daughter. :-)

  3. Sorry we missed your BIG-DAY as we addressed Betty's ' Surgery-Priority '. CONGRATS-ON-THE-FIRST and so happy to hear ALL-IS-WELL, knowing ETHAN has happily blessed the HARVEY'S w/ his safe arrival ! ! ! ! !

    Wait'n to see ETHAN on his ' PRETTY-BLANKY ! ! ! ! !

    Sounds like SPRING is also ' BUST'N-OUT 'up-there also, ours is well-along, but way too dry ! ! ! ! !


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