
Sunday, August 12, 2012

High Days of Summer

I'm still here!   Its been crazy around here and more of that to come.  I'd better start with what weaving related stuff I have:

The second Drall scarf is under way using a magenta as weft. I really like this one! The two rich colours really compliment each other.  I'm still not sure what colour I will use for scarf three but I will dig through my stash and find another equally rich gem. The Louet Spring is the only loom actually set for weaving right now and its great to be able to grab a few minutes from time to time. One of the benefits of no naked looms!

The Woolhouse had all its cords set and so I got busy planning a warp. I've gone back to some older ideas and revisiting some drafts done before.... or at least their updated versions.  I want to do a waffle weave again. Years ago when I was a newbie I wove four shaft waffle weave towels for all my family for Christmas.
They came off and went into the wash and that''s when I learned all about shrinkage and that waffle is greater than 10%. The 'gifts' were too large for dishcloths, and too small for towels and every one still thanked me  regardless.

Then the latest issue of Weavers Craft arrived in my mail box recently and the entire issue is all about waffle weave! Talk about timely. (Its a great little publication)

I'm doing the 8 shaft skewed waffle weave from the magazine...

It produces the waffle boxes but they are sort of jauntily off set. Something a little different... I like that.  :)
So got busy winding a warp and beaming it.  I use the sectional rake on the Woolhouse and use my own method (described in an older post link under "topic shopping" on the right hand side bar.)

So its all beamed on now and I'm busy threading away and looking forward to weaving on this loom again. Its been awhile!

I have a draft in mind for the Megado and will start on that warp once the Woolhouse is up and running. I'm trying to consolidate my efforts rather than scatter it everywhere.

So why is this all taking so long?
Well, Hubby took sick again and in a very short period of time was in the hospital.... again. Thanks to IV antibiotics we nipped the problem in the bud and avoided surgery.  *phew*
A routine test did spot something else we didn't know about and so that began a series of Doctor appointments and more tests.  As of last Wednesday, he was given the "all's clear" by a specialist. Boy, Life sure becomes much sweeter after an experience like that! It puts everything in perspective and shows you what is truly important.

We also have had house guests too. Our son and daughter in law came for a couple of days and of course this means, Ethan came too. His first 'road trip' and it was to Nana's house!
We had a great time just relaxing and chatting. Ethan was really good and for the most part was smiling and talking away to us.  I discovered I can still do a speedy diaper change (you have to with little boys!) and I can still cook breakfast with a baby on my hip. Dad was loading up the car and Mum was in the shower so Ethan and I made French toast.

Grandad Bruce hasn't down loaded his camera yet so here's a cell phone pix that we got while they waited for the ferry ride home.  He's coming up to being four months old! Time is flying by....

Hope your summer is going well!  I've heard from a friend in New Zealand that their weather has taken a spring like turn, so there not a lot of summer left for us. Enjoy it while you can!


  1. Baby Ethan with his Elmo doll - what a precious picture. I forgot just how fast little ones grow! Glad to hear that Bruce is on the mend and that your scare was nothing serious. Love the drall scarves, you are right drall does seem to be on everyone's loom right now. Funny how we all seem to love the same weaving patterns at the same time. Take care of yourself and Bruce. Oh, and please pet Miss C for me.

  2. I'm happy to read that your hubby is doing better. Best wishes to him for continued good health.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful little visit with your son, daughter-in-law and grandson. He's so cute!

  3. I have just discovered your blog. Amazing stuff. I am a new weaver. Right now on a Rigid Heddle, but who knows what the future will be. I'll be visiting off and on.

    Are you with familiar with any blog sites that spot light the rigid heddle?


  4. I love the thought of you cooking with a baby on your hip. Brings back some memories! I hope everyone stays well and that you can weave, weave, weave! Nice work.


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