
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Déjà Vu All Over Again

So last time I posted I was weaving away on the eggplant to olive scarves. It has a hefty treadling plan but its quite logical and easy to follow and then after a time, fully remember! It took only nine repeats of eight inches each to get a scarf. I actually find it easier to weave than a short run endlessly repeated.

Its been fun working with this draft and brighter colours so I think I'll do some more... this time using dark teal, aqua, red purple and eggplant.  I wasn't too sure about the centre blending so trying a different take on it this time. Its difficult with solid dyed colours to get a good colour transition zone. This is where hand painted warps can really work when melding colours together. {I'm looking forward to doing some painted warps this summer!)

The warp beam...

...and the draft for this time round.

I just made a start today and so only have a short piece to show you:

with camera flash on....

I like what I see and will carry on but this time both scarves will be woven with the darker eggplant. From my sample, the dark teal cuts detail and diffuses the colour intensity too much. 

I have also been  working away on twisting fringes on the first batch of scarves (as well as another project you haven't seen as yet):

Not sure what I have for appropriate coloured beads or crystals for this but I'll be pulling together something soon. The eggplant or magenta shade is hard to find and I may resort to all greens. Have you ever noticed that you are always short of something no matter how hard you try to use "stash only" for a project?  I hope to have them ready for a show and tell post next time.

There's a busy week ahead with medical appointments, a dinner for friends and some yard work is in order. I think I will start small and take the back friendly approach.....  I'd rather be weaving!

....with camera flash off... the pattern is more clear with no shine.


  1. Another winning combination, Susan! It's amazing the difference between with vs. without flash. These are fabulous scarves! I'm sure they will sell quickly, if that's their future plan.

  2. Wow the color is very saturated in the non flash picture, love it!

  3. I just love your new color combination. If your intent is to sell this one I would like to be first inline. I just love those colors!!!

  4. Hi Susan - These scarves are beautiful, the color combination is just perfect. When I grow up I want to weave project like you are weaving, or perhaps that will be in another lifetime. I do so admire your work! You won't have those long, once it is known if they are for sale. Weaverly yours ....

  5. Hi Susan - Your color combination in your scarves is beautiful - you will not have these for long, once it is know they are for sale. I aspire to do some beautiful weaving like this, when I grow up; or perhaps in another life time. I so enjoy your work. Weaverly yours .....

  6. Hi Susan - lovely colours in those scarves again ! I quite like the bigger pattern repeats too ! The scarf seems to grow so quickly. Just means you need peace and quiet and no interruptions !! I have just been doing 200 pick repeats, very anti social !!

  7. once again i am in awe of your work. these scarves are beautiful!

  8. My apologies Lynnette... My fumble fingers hit the wrong button... So what you left as a comment is here:

    How yummy! The colours are staggeringly beautiful and you have such a good eye for colour!

    I think I saw this warp hanging as a bout when I was at your studio awhile ago; before it was put on loom and now that I see it woven it definitely exceeds expectations....

    Thank you! I'm very pleased with them! maybe some pastels next?

  9. Nice draft! I like the colors, too.
    BTW, I'm going to start mounting and framing some pieces soon, so I'll have photos and instructions for you to follow when you do the same for the hellebore.


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