
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Life has other Plans...

So here's my Bruce in his private hospital room and his private 'spa' bathroom in behind. He was the first occupant of a brand new $15,000.00 special gel bed that shifts to balance the pressure points every time you move. They placed him in this room as his older medical file kept coming up showing him as MRSA positive, but they finally cleared that off the file with a negative test. He got to keep the room as no one more deserving needed it. 

He's smiling as he's been told he can go home and we are waiting for the paperwork to be done and the IV to be disconnected.  He's not been 100% since we got back from our trip and finally normal treatments for his diverticular disease just weren't working. They admitted him and gave him the "special" IV antibiotics that they save for times like this.  He will be going back in sometime in January under better circumstances and having an operation to resolve this.

So my days of driving to and fro have come to an end and we will now slowly get back to normal around here! (emphasis on slowly)  I guess I don't need to tell  you that there has been no weaving going on  around here but I plan to make a fresh start again tomorrow.

This is as far as I got:

I'm weaving two shawls using the same draft and colour schemes as the previous scarf project I wove back  in July and August. They were stunning and sold right away...and I'm down to only one shawl in my inventory!

Deep Breath....

I have also made a decision to sell my big 12 shaft/ 16 treadle 45" Woolhouse Tools Gertrude Loom and so will be building up a list of its components and formulating a price. I'm not in a position for doing shipping / freight so it would have to be picked up here on Vancouver Island. I do recommend the new owner actually comes and dismantles it here with me so they have a better understanding of how it will go together at the end of its journey.   More on this to come.
In the mean time if you have a serious interest, email me at weever at shaw dot ca (remove the spaces and put the right symbols in.  

Why am I doing this? Well, I can get joint replacement surgery for my knee and last hip and even my foot in time and still carry on weaving in time, but my lower back is the way it is and there's no surgery to fix that. 
Weaving with this loom aggravates it.  Trust me, if this wasn't the case, I'd be keeping it!

I have been weaving almost exclusively on my Louet Spring and I guess its time to get friendly with the Megado and "make nice".  I'm coming to terms with my limitations, and I plan to keep weaving!


  1. Hi Susan - What great news that Bruce is getting home; I hope that all goes well, and as you say - you can slowly get back to normal. The shawls you are weaving on are beautiful, they won't be "for sale" for long! Also, a very smart decision to sell the 45" - 12 harness Woolhouse - if it "annoys" you back, then you best find it a new home. Good decision in my books. Take care of yourselves, and enjoy your Fall weather. Weaverly yours ..... Barbara

    P.S. Though I am not a spinner, I am heading to the 2013 Maritime Spinning Retreat (Mad Hatter), at Mill River, P.E.I. the weekend of the 25th. I have done the registration for the Retreat, so it will be fun to meet everyone; also there will be vendors there ..... so I am looking forward to the weekend.

  2. Oh dear, life certainly does get in the way of weaving at times, doesn't it. I hope Bruce starts feeling better once home and life returns to normal in the not too distant future.

  3. It has taken me most of my life to amass the looms I have and now I am getting older. It's hard to crawl under a loom and then to get back up!
    Guess that is why I bought a Baby Wolf so when the time comes for the large looms to be sold, I can still weave dishtowels or something.
    Wishing you both a restful recovery.

  4. Oh dear Susan, life is indeed throwing you and Bruce a few curve balls. Bruce, I hope you are feeling much better. Susan, wish I could buy the Woolhouse, but I am afraid my etsy savings are not going to cover it...sigh. I am sure you will find a good home for it. Looking forward to seeing the completed shawls. Take care you two.

  5. You've taken bad news and turned it into almost good news. My mother called this stage of life a series of mechanical failures. I'm so glad you're able to make lemonade and hope January is a fabulous month at your house!

  6. Susan - a voice from the past. You will perhaps remember Charles and I visiting you and going hoe with your 8H Glimakra, which I named Honey. I had to give her up five years ago, for the same reason you are considering selling your Woolhouse, but my DIL took her in with the hopes of weaving in the future.

    I just ran across your Blog a week or so ago, and am so enjoying your comments and seeing your lovely work. My best to Bruce and good wishes for his recovery, - and for you I would wish painless mobility!!

    I am still weaving, sporadically, on my 4H Leclerc.....

  7. If positive thoughts help with healing, then Bruce will be better in no time.
    The new shawl is exquisite. I look forward to seeing more!

  8. Poor Bruce and poor you too! I hope things get resolved very quickly for you both. So sad you have to find a new home for your Gertrude but you gotta do what you gotta do. I know it won't stop you weaving though! Big hugs!!

  9. Thank you everyone! Things have been quiet here for the past couple of days but we're slowly getting back into the swing of things.

    It looks to be an interesting 2014 ahead of us and we have decided not to make any plans for the time being, that even includes this coming Christmas. We'll take it as it comes...

    I guess you understand how hard it was to finally decide to sell the Woolhouse. Even now that the decision has been made I have nagging doubts, which will linger until the last beam is gone and out the door. I think every one who has ever owned one of these special looms feels the same way when the time comes.

    Hildred: Of course we remember you! That was more than a few years ago now and its wonderful to hear from you again. Honey came into our lives just after Bruce had placed the order for my new Woolhouse. Honey was 60" wide and so too large for our space. It was perfect for you and I can remember your excitement at finally getting a Glimakra! That loom had a lot of history to it. It was ordered from Sweden by a well known weaver/ teacher in Victoria (who name escapes me right now!) The first owner was Mrs Pat Crofton who husband (also Pat Crofton) became a member of parliament. The loom went with them to Ottawa so she could weave.... then came all the way back again to Victoria. When we bought it, their family were bringing furniture to Kelowna and added the loom to the load for us. The rest, they say is history!
    Lets stay in touch...


  10. So glad that Bruce is home from hospital and looking pretty darn good to boot, of course he always looks good to me!
    I too will be sorry to see Gertrude find a new home, you have had her for the entire life of our friendship and I must admit to being an admirer of that beautifully made loom. I was hoping that the 'Plus 20' would make things easier on your back, but I guess you just can't reason with Mother Nature when she gets in a snit and decides that you can't move around like a 20 something!

  11. Dear Susan,
    I'm glad to know that Bruce is getting some relief. I'm a big fan of his, as he is so supportive of your passion for weaving! I love the posts that show him helping you. I'm sure that it's a mutual arrangement. Hope that all is taken care of on a much more permanent basis soon and that all settles down for both of you! Laurie

  12. I love my Megado. Weaving on it is easy on my body, and I hope the same will be true for you. I can weave longer at one sitting, and I hope it will allow me to weave for more years than I could on another loom.

    I'm glad things will be getting closer to normal at your house.


  13. I'm sorry to learn your husband has been unwell, but it appears, without understanding the medical issues here, that he's on the mend?

    When I was back home in Japan, my Mom and I spent a few evenings looking at the photos of your work here and in your Etsy shop and had a wonderful time. So thank you for those lovely evenings.


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