
Thursday, January 9, 2014

.... and the Winner is....

So, if you are going to pull a name out of a hat, it should be a good one! Big thank you to hubby Bruce for volunteering his hat to the cause. (well, he found out about it after the fact...  :)

There were fifty seven names in the hat. I had to eliminate double entries and such, but the finals went in and were well stirred and shaken about.......

... then I drew one out....

Hilary of Crazy as a Loom!   Well, congratulations Hilary and now you have a decision to make:

Its time to choose which colour you'd like: periwinkle blue, cream and white, teal green or bronze/ gold.

I'd like to thank everyone who entered the draw with your comments. When I, or any blogger, writes a post and shares our thoughts and feelings, we hope there's someone somewhere out there reading it. Your comments are the reward for all the work and it makes a huge difference to us. Comments are what motivates us, fuels us to keep on writing and sharing. So when you read a post at a blog (and not just mine) and you enjoyed it, please consider  leaving a comment or question.  You'll make their day!  I had no idea of all the new friends around the world I would make when I started this blog six years ago. Thank you for following along.....

Now, I'd like to share something else with you. Some time ago, I wrote a Remembrance Day post about my various family members who have served in the military in some capacity. It seems that an internet search brought author Tina Bilbe to my blog and we exchanged emails about my maternal grandmother and her service in World War 1 at the Kingsnorth Airfield.  It seemed the history of  Kingsnorth Airship Station was apparently becoming a book.

Soon I was able to pre-order a copy at Amazon and it arrived yesterday! (the link takes you to the book at Amazon with a free peak inside)

I haven't had a chance to read it as yet but I will show these pictures:

This is a picture of the old airfield as it was in 1917 about the time my grandmother served there. It was later cleared away and rebuilt as the more well known airfield that was used during World War 2.

This is the sort of airship that used Kingsnorth Airfield at that time period.

.... and listed under personnel, is my grandmother Emma Worden.  From my father's family collection, here's her airfield pass:

 Here is Emma Worden as a young lady before World War 1.

These ladies are her three daughters and my mother is on the far left wearing the dark suit.  I think both my mother and hers would be thrilled with the mention in the book.

Back to weaving with the next post.... thanks for being there and lets get another year underway!


  1. Congratulations, Hilary! I'm so glad she won the draw! The internet is an amazing thing that could facilitate that connection with you and the writer. I love those old photos and garments of the day….and your mother and aunts look beautiful. Have you been able to show it to your dad yet? Will be looking forward to the linen runner soon! Stay warm!

  2. It's fun when history comes alive. :)

  3. Congratulations Hilary! Susan, I am delighted to hear that your Great Grandmother's contribution to the war effort in WWI has been noted in a book that all can read and share. What a fitting tribute to a lovely lady.

  4. How exciting you found out about that book being published and your grandmother is in it - very special for your entire family.

  5. Yes, it is fun to have a small note in a piece of history. My grandmother had my Aunt Olive and then 14 years later, she had my mother and her twin sister. A little late in life's plan but that's how things went back then. So that's how we can stretch from before 1900 right through to now in 3 generations.

    My Dad knows that the book is being published but will get the Kindle version when he gets home eventually. He is still in hospital and not ready to be released. There has been some complications to deal with but he's overcoming them one day at a time.

    Hilary chose the bronze gold that's going in the post shortly. (I had money on the blue so there goes my career as a gambler)
    :) Susan

  6. Thanks for having a giveaway--your work is lovely. The story of your grandmother is wonderful. Bet your Dad will enjoy reading the book when he gets home.

  7. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks for asking.... I'm still waiting and weaving with a bum knee (so a bit slow!) First up is my husband's surgery and then anytime after April it will be my turn. We had to pace things out a bit as there's only the two of us.

    A real marriage test for sure!


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