
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Garden Walkabout

Today, I grabbed the camera and went for a walk round the garden and snapped some of this years spring blossoms.... (click to enlarge !)

The first thing I saw (that made me go back in and get my camera!) was this lovely Columbine

Blue Bells ....

Can you see the bright green of this years growth?  
This little fella decided to really go for it this year!
(and growing through rock too!)

Then I walked around to the front yard ...

My three matching hanging baskets this year are a delight!  The past few years I wasn't happy with my more expensive choices but this year my cheapy $13.00 Costco specials are stunning!  They love their location and a drink of 20-20-20 fertilizer really brought out their blooms.

I hope this red mini petunia looks okay on your screen. My Mac hates reds and does weird things to red on my screen

Our late blooming rhododendron by the front door looks sad due to its age, and we have considered removing it a couple of times. The rich red blooms are the reason why we don't!  I throw down fertilizer under the shrub every spring for the next years flower bud sets.

I'm not sure what this plant is called but it was originally in the rock garden in the back yard and climbed using runners all over the place!  Bruce moved some to this big pot last year and it loves it there, especially with the hanging basket above it dripping second hand water and the occasional  fertilizer 'buzz' too. Its sending out runners and trailing over the pot and making dash for freedom.

All the orchard trees had lots of blossoms this year and so we hope for a good crop of fruit.   I'm afraid that I'm quite useless this year as far as yard work is concerned due to my knee and hip joint issues. So big thank you to hubby Bruce and Colin for their efforts!

Some fibre content for you...

Mother's Day was not too long ago and it was  a quiet one this time round.  So, I decided to treat myself to a new tool for the studio!   A custom made wrought bronze sleying hook.

No two are alike!  

They come in either bronze or silver. I have acidic skin and so not kind to silver ( and bronze was less expensive). The hooks are nicely weighted and feel good. The hand fits well on the handle and the back 'bump' is a nice wedge against  the last finger.  I'm right handed but its hard to take pictures of your right hand with the left!  I'm using it to sley the latest warp on the Louet and its *very nice* to work with.

Here's the info that came with it and be sure to check out Celtic Swan Forge web site!  They make a lot of beautiful things such as crochet hooks, knitting needles, shawl pins......

We had a day trip to Victoria  for me to visit my rheumatologist. My visits there are usually very fast (so fast it isn't worth paying for the parking spot!)  ... so we had a day to ourselves in Victoria.  We drove further south out towards Ross Bay and stopped by Knotty by Nature yarn store.   I picked up some black 9/2 linen.... and admired a soft yellow. There is also a new colour in the bamboo range too. So I was happy with the black linen and when I got to the till, Bruce had bought all three for me as a belated Mother's Day gift.

I'm not sure what the orange bamboo will become in the future but I see more huck lace runners in jet black for sure. The soft yellow will make a nice set too.  Additions to the stash are always nice!

Then we drove out round Ogden Point (click on the links!) This is where cruise ships dock in Victoria.

We just followed the road round..... then next thing we were  next to the BC Legislature buildings and in the heart of downtown Victoria. 

The harbour come right into the heart of downtown and there's a lovely sea walk down by the water.  
There's nothing like being a tourist in your own back yard!  This is the Fairmont Empress Hotel where they serve a delightful afternoon high tea.    The ivy is the front door.... and the habour is the back view.

High tea is on my to-do list for this summer!


  1. Lovely flower pictures.

    When on a trip to the Seattle area around 7 years ago we took the ferry over to Victoria for the day - our first and only time so far. I was wishing we had more than a day there - we'll eventually get back. We had to do tea at the Empress as I find tea houses wherever I am. It was lovely and worth the money. I was very impressed that our waiter knew what tartan he was wearing (vest). Looking forward to when the ANWG conference is up in Victoria in 2017.

  2. Thanks Cindie...

    I haven't been keeping up on events much lately so the conference in Victoria in 2017 is a nice surprise! I will do my best to be there for sure! I would recommend that participants allow extra time to see the city and museums.

    Hubby said to book a room now at the Empress! (I think he was joking.... )

  3. Not to worry, the reds came out beautifully on my computer. Thanks for sharing all the sights. And I look forward to seeing what comes out of those yarns!

  4. Thanks for the tour, Susan! So glad Celtic Swan is still in business. I've had one of her bronze threading hooks similar to yours for at least 20 years!

    Hadn't heard it yet, but now I'll be looking forward to ANWG in Victoria.

  5. Reds look beautiful. Thanks for the trip around the island. My husband was born there, but we haven't visited n quite awhile. Nice to see it again, and from the eyes of another weaver. :)

  6. I believe the flowers you transplanted that you don't know the name of are ajuga - common name bugle weed. There are many varieties. Lovely. They can be assertive, but I've never found them hard to get rid of if I wanted to move them elsewhere. They do tend to travel a bit.


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