
Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Salad Bar

Isn't he handsome with his new antlers?  Bruce was sitting at his desk when he heard banging on the house. Something told him to take a camera with him and the picture above was the first he snapped. The buck was hitting the house with his antlers.

But not the last shot as this fellow decided that Bruce was not a threat and went back to eating fallen peaches off our tree that's against the house.

Then he added some last remaining flowers to the plate.   So this is why we don't have fancy gardens here. This buck and his doe.... and fawn all nibble on everything here. Even stuff that the garden shops swore up and down are deer proof.   Ya right....

Then he made his way to where the wife and kid are. Note the cedars, artfully shaped by the deer of course.   This buck has been living on our property for three or four years now after his mother was hit by a car.  

We seem to have a bumper crop of pears this year!  Bruce picked these and we are enjoying their aroma in the kitchen while we wait for them to soften up a bit.

The old gala apple tree has just a few apples this year and they are developing a nice red blush with the cooler nights.   Fortunately the apples and pears are all above the height for the deer!  (bears are another story...)

Bruce also spotted a muskrat swimming up the creek today and he watched it for a time doing some 'personal grooming' at the creekside.  I'm sorry I missed seeing that one!

It seems that the local wildlife know this is a safe place to visit... and I like that.


I have been given a date of December 18th  for my knee replacement surgery!   A week before Christmas....   
I'm so glad I started on the baby blankets now and not later....

Back soon with a progress report on that project soon.   (I did mention I'm weaving really slow now right?)


  1. Susan, The deer are a constant source of aggravation here, but they are seasonal. They head down to the warmer snowless valley to winter over. YEAH!.
    Good luck with the knee surgery.

  2. He is a lovely buck. Wow, that's so neat. I know all about the slow weaving.... bum neck.

  3. Great shots! And congrats with getting a date for your surgery. The timing isn't ideal, but then again, when IS ever a good time to be laid up?

    Wishing you a speedy recovery...partly selfishly, since I don't want to be without the wonderful inspiration you provide me. ;-)

  4. So great to hear you have a surgical date? Merry Christmas!?


  5. Whoo hoo on the upcoming knee surgery!

    Those pears are beautiful - almost too pretty to eat.

  6. So glad you finally get your knee surgery schedules. Its so much fun to have wild life in your back yard. Pears look so good. I bought some at the farmers market but they don't look as good as yours.

  7. Hi Susan - great to see the pictures of the deer around your place - they are beautiful. I know they can cause a lot of damage .... but a beautiful sight! I am pleased to hear that you have been given your date for knee surgery - we know what you will be doing during the Christmas Season - recovering from knee surgery; and that is a full time job! Doing the exercises, icing your knee, and sleeping to give your body time to recuperate. Good luck with the surgery - it is well worth it, and should help with your balance and walking.
    Weaverly yours ........

  8. Your pears are gorgeous! And I love that you "live with" your deer. Beautiful.


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