
Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Rolling Stone...

There is one thing all this recent medical stuff  has shown us, is that we need to shift ourselves to a place where all the main living is on one level.... and a much smaller yard.   Right now our home is a two storey place with main floor up and we have 2.25 acres.   Some is natural, and another section is meadow with an orchard and an organic garden area. Lots of mowing and yard work!  The plus side is that the house is fully private and we have a delightful stream running through the property with all kinds of fish and crayfish, otters and even a muskrat.  

We've been here seven years and its time to move and let another family enjoy the property and improvements we have put in.   So it looks like the house is going up for sale and downsizing our "STUFF" has begun.  We are going to go with a full pack by a moving company due to my recovery and joint issues. We'll unpack ourselves in our own sweet time. We have some interest in the house which is very encouraging!

So now that I'm more mobile and in the studio some afternoons again (with short periods of slow weaving!)  I'm culling books and such and will be listing them for sale on the Sale Page which you can find at the top of the blog. I change the date as things are listed or sold so you can see the turn over.   Perhaps book mark it and check often to see if there is something you might like to add to your library or stash? Vintage items (1996 and older) will be listed at my Etsy page too.

I also still have the big Woolhouse Tools CM loom for sale and I need for it to find a new home. There is a sale page at the top of the blog with full details.  I have dropped the price to $4,500.00 which is half the price of a new one.   Pick up is still here at Duncan as I'm not able to do the dismantle myself.  The buyer will benefit from the educational dismantle as it will help putting it back together again!  There is a full manual of course too.

I'm continuing to improve and have some days that are pain free.... and others not so much. I have to take it day by day.  I'm weaving but slowly and for short intervals so that's not too shabby to have started again at 6 weeks post op. ( I'm now 7 weeks post op) Last surgery in 2001, I only could start at 12 weeks post surgery.  The knee is a real issue though and while the 'cure' is in the works, it takes time.  We hope to use the window in between to line up our ducks and take the next logical step.


  1. Good luck with your next adventure - you are making the right decision regarding your move into something all on the same level and a smaller property. May you find someone to purchase your home and you beautiful loom in a timely fashion. Downsizing your books in your studio is a good idea, and they will probably sell very quickly. Good luck with all of this; and just take it one step at a time. Weaverly yours ....

  2. So glad you're feeling better -- and healing quickly!

    A mite jealous about the interest in your house....mine's been on the market for 7 months with little action. Location, location, location. My selling reasons are the same as yours. Plus to get closer to kids & grandson.

  3. I'll be thinking good thoughts that your house sells quickly. Less property to care for will give you more weaving time!

    With Sam working on clearing underbrush and limbing trees to create a more defensible fire space I'm starting to think in the future we need to think about getting off 5 acres. Giving up the privacy will be hard but worth more free time when we reach that point.

  4. Hope you find the house of your dreams as well as your needs, Susan! Best of luck with the move and glad you're able to get back in the studio some.

  5. Susan, I am glad to hear that your healing is progressing nicely. There are always those days when we get discouraged, but you have a good start.

    Just in case you move a long way away from Duncan, I won't have to miss you as I can still "see" you here.

    I really admire your weaving. I know if I were still there that you would be a great resource. But I still have contact with you and your beautiful weaving. I want to try the beautiful complex twill that you use for your shawls.

    Best of luck on selling your home and buying just the right place.


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