
Thursday, April 7, 2016

... And Sometimes More is Better!

That last project was fun.... and I *loved* the results. So why not do it again?   Some changes to the project this time round:
  • I increased the size of the 'boxes' width by four ends per box. The overall width went up by half and inch to 7.5 inches
  • I added an extra black warp thread to the selvedges, so when it gets compacted its still the same size as the central dividers. Nit picky I know....
  • I changed two colours to brighten things up, but left three as they still complimented the colour scheme.
I'm like this when I follow a cake or main dinner recipe too. I follow the rules and recipe faithfully the first time, then I make adjustments to suit me.   It works....

This was not a complicated weave to treadle but this one took time as I had hurt my new knee and so I had to be more careful and weave only in small timed sessions.  After months of pain and recovery, I do not want to mess it up!   Spring has also arrived here and so we have been tackling other jobs such as taxes, yard work,  spring cleaning in the house and our ever present "downsizing stuff".   Its an energetic time of year and the outdoors beckons again.  The calendar is also starting filling up with plans for trips,  house guests and summer events.   

Finally, the scarves were all done, the fringes twisted, hand washed and dried over night. A good hard pressing and fringe trimmed up neat.    I dragged Madge back outside again and she and I did some poses.  She's a rather wooden and stubborn model but the only one I have. Next gal will hopefully have arms!

Hanging straight to show over all length.

Then some flips and folds for flare....

... and in this one below, I turned the centre to show the opposite side. Its fully reversible.

Then I got my own private black  rain cloud and so we dashed back inside and shot a few more.  I used every light I own, a white back ground and a flash so sorry if these are a bit dark.

They do show how rich the colours are! Tencel is super for the rich deep shades they have, plus black does make the colours pop.

Here you can see the reversing twill more clearly. 

These two (above) show the finishing details: small neat hemstitching to secure the edge threads and tight twisting.   No beads this time as they are busy enough as they are.

So now what?  I have some 20/2 silk just beamed on the Spring loom and I'm two thirds through the threading for classic drall.    Here's my other studio helper, Bruce.  He's right there when ever a new warp needs beaming or loom needs lifting. That's the  drall silk in the picture.... a nice grape purple!

An upgrade in computers means the Megado is waiting for  reloading of USB to serial port drivers... again.   So that's on the 'to-do' list and will be done shortly.

I'm slowly working through more family photos and work on them at night as we watch the TV.  I'm somewhere in the range of 1500 scanned now and probably as much again to do.    "Eating the elephant one bite at a time"   I must state for the record that no elephants are harmed here and I personally like them.   🐘


  1. how close do you set your 10/2 Tencel! I truly enjoy your blog. Maryse

  2. Hi Maryse,

    In these two projects I actually used 8/2 tencel and sett it at 24 ends per inch for a twill. I personally prefer 10/2 and when I have used it in the past for twills I would use 28-30 epi depending on the project and end use of the cloth.

    Thanks for writing....

  3. I love the scarves! The strong graphic pattern just leaps forward in the colour bands. Really lovely as usual.


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