
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Heart Felt

We went over to Vancouver for my son's 40th birthday this past weekend.  The year he was born, it was also Mother's Day.  I squeaked in under the wire at having him at 10:55 pm and then I asked where my flowers and card were?

Well, I thought it was funny at the time....

Anyhow we were over there visiting this weekend and had a party one evening, where I went dancing with my grandson to a live band (thank you Dr Jacks for fixing me!),  and a Mother's day brunch at their home the next.   My son and grandson Ethan made the yummiest, light as air waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.    And there was flowers and a card too.

Here they are pretending to be going very fast on the back deck on the Thomas bike:

We had bought our grand daughter a pretty dress for her birthday in early March..... and she wore it Saturday night to the party.

I think the term is " she has us wrapped around her little finger".


  1. Gorgeous Grandies. Love the dancing shoes. Treasure every moment as they change so fast.

  2. Oh my are the Grandkids growing fast! So wonderful to see their cheerful little faces. Glad you got to enjoy dancing again!

  3. It was a great weekend and we had a blast with a nice gathering of family and friends. A two hour ferry ride across the Salish Sea (once known as Georgia Strait) simply adds a level of comfort and sophistication to a trip to the mainland. Still, it was nice to arrive back home again.


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