
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sudden Summer

I have a fan running in the kitchen to cool me while I work. My naturally curly hair has connected with the overall humidity and springing back to life after being blown dry straight. What a wasted effort that was!     We seem to be "enjoying" a heat wave here. Summer arrived.   Suddenly.

Just last week, it was cold, a bit of rain and wind and I was wearing woolies to keep warm.

The yard has been full of swallowtail butterflies and they fly (flutter?) right up to windows like they want to come in...    Bruce took these lovely pictures of them feeding. He could get very close!

There were three of them on this one basket but these two ran it off!  It also seems I choose flower baskets they really like too as we have three of these.    We also have many dragonflies and damselflies flitting around.  No luck getting pictures but here's one from two years ago:

The basement is cool and I can even get a hint of breeze through there between a fan and the patio door.   I just pulled a completed warp off the loom just late yesterday and have one of the two scarves pinned out on the styro-foam board for fringe twisting.  I should have them done and ready shortly. They certainly will dry quickly!   Hubby is ready to assist with beaming another warp.  (what a guy huh?)

Here's a peek of the completed project:

Yes, snowflake is back.... its like an old friend!

I have one more picture for you.  I know I posted about being in Cathedral Grove last post and how huge the trees are. I found one that helps give perspective....

So there's the merry little band walking through the trails. Me in the red coat (it was cold and windy!) Daughter and SIL (who is 6' 8" tall!).... and look at the girth of some of the *younger* trees that are approx 300 years old.  It amazes me that this island used to have trees like this all over it at one time.

As Joni Mitchell sang: " you don't know what you've got till its gone..."


  1. I think our winter came as suddenly. One minute in t-shirts and shorts, the next reaching for woolies. May was the warmest May on record for the Bay of Plenty.

  2. I love all your photos - flowers with butterflies, weaving, and huge trees. I love, LOVE, LOVE the tan snowflake.

  3. Hi Susan I enjoyed catching up on your past blogs. Your weavings are absolutely stunning. The trees that you photographed, are they Redwoods? Like in Northern CA, USA. Yes, those trees are all very amazing. Hope you find a place with a great studio and a nice yard for some flowers. Helen Hart, Cheyenne, WY

  4. Hi Helen, Peg and Dianne...

    Thanks for the comments... much appreciated!

    The trees are Douglas fir and some are hemlock and cedars..... the largest ones are Douglas fir. I was thinking of the redwoods and wondering how they would look side by side. I think the redwoods win the race....



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