
Monday, August 15, 2016

A Small Token of Appreciation

This is Karen, our realtor who helped us find a new home. She was amazing!  When we were all caught up in the emotions of the whole affair, she kept a calm steady hand on things. 

When we got flustered by things, she patiently waited for us to regroup and get back in the game. 

Negotiations?   She knew how to navigate through those!    Early mornings and late nights, through many house viewings with us, in several communities.  More than a few miles. 

 We wanted to thank her for what she did so well,  so I gave her what I do well... a silk and tencel scarf and she loved it! I think it really suits her colouring.

So, a few pictures of our new home to-be. Bear in mind these furnishings belong to the present owner!  Ours are not so grand as these.  These pictures were  on the MLS listing:

This room above will be my weaving studio

Our goals were to eliminate as many stairs as possible and this is a rancher, so no stairs at all now. To reduce square footage and we did. We now have no guest room and we are trading bedrooms so I can have a weaving space. It looks larger because of the vaulted ceilings.  Lastly, to reduce the property size and we went from 2.12 acres to 1/3 of an acre and easy maintenance.   So the third house we made an offer on, was the charm!  


  1. It's lovely Susan, that's a whole lotta white though. I know as a weaver you are certain to throw some color into the mix. Looks light and bright and oh so easy to keep up. When does the big day arrive and what community did you settle on? Congrats!

  2. I am so impressed. The house is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! So light and airy, so modern and classy. Nice work!

  3. What a lovely house! I love how open and light it is. Very exciting!

  4. Thank you for the comments...

    Theresa : I'm not so game to paint entire rooms in a weekend like you! I don't have the joints for it anymore. I'll settle for adding splashes of colour through some new furniture purchases (in the future) and hand woven textiles. Details on the location were all in the previous post.... We move in Oct 1st.

    Its the lightness and airiness that really drew us in. Conventional ceiling heights would have been okay I guess but vaulted ceilings make the (actually smaller) home feel huge!


  5. Looks like a wonderful home. Roll on shift day so you can get settled (and back to serious looming).

  6. WOW!!! Susan, I LOVE your new home!!! I am sure your furniture will look just as beautiful in it. I love all the windows!

  7. Congratulations Susan! I am so happy to hear you have found such a gorgeous home and it be even more so once you "feather the nest" :D
    Deborah (LaGitana)


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