
Saturday, September 24, 2016


Our world is pretty topsy turvey right now!

The studio is in bits and bundles. The family china is wrapped, boxed and gone already.    Nothing to but wait for the packers and movers this coming week.   

 The calm before the storm...

I think Calli suspects something is going on. She keeps pretty close to either us or her bed. The suitcases purposefully haven't come out of storage  as yet as when they do, that means 'kennel-visit' to her'.  Except this time she's coming with us.

It will be my one year anniversary of my new knee on the 28th. What a difference a year makes!
See you on the other side of this adventure in moving...


  1. Susan, Bruce and Miss Callie, Here is wishing you a very smooth no drama move. Best wishes

  2. Ugh, packing. I don't envy you a bit! There's a reason we've lived in the same house for 38 years. Despite my best efforts we have Too Much Stuff.

    Hope your move goes smooth as silk! And all the best in your new home.


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