
Thursday, December 29, 2016

All in Good Time

 The new studio reveal.  Its been a long time coming! First for me and then for you...

We lived at our last home for nine years and despite the renovations and such, I was never truly at home there. It always felt 'temporary'.  Suffice to say its a long story which I won't go into here. We did try to sell at one point but after some months on the market, autumn arrived and we took it off. The market was too soft in our area and so we had to wait for a shift in the trends.

Then health issues arose and a couple of surgeries / recoveries later and it was spring 2016 and I told Bruce that I felt we should go for it either this year or next, and that this year would be better. The rest they say is history.... and I've covered off the house sale and our move in older posts.

What you (and me) have been waiting for is to have things finally straightened around and get things sorted back into a working studio again. 

So as of October 1st or just after... my space looked like this. Boxes crammed everywhere and even the closets were full, with more in the garage labeled 'studio'.  I had to haul everything out, open all cartons and see what was what and get rid of as much packing paper as possible.  I think one day I simply sat in the middle of my chaos and just thought things through.... figuring where things might fit best.   I have shifted things a few times and probably will do that still but its as good as it can be for now.

So from the mess above to the arrangement below:

This is opposite view towards the studio entry door. The red wall at the end houses the yarn closet and the dark doorway is the ensuite bathroom. Yup, this is supposed to be the master bedroom.

The closet: crammed full with additional shelving to maximize all available storage space.

The 'facilities' at the other end. Bonus tub after a gruelling  weaving session! It took some getting used to.  😄

Below is the Tissart tapestry loom in the only good spot for it. Thankfully its a vertical loom. I will be warping this loom up for its first time  soon. I have to study instructions on how to do it correctly  and then I can do some practise projects to build my tapestry skills.

Down at the far end of the room is a narrow space I call the alcove with windows on two of three walls. So lots of good light.  The spring loom is tucked in here and I must admit its a tight fit. I have a small folding table with my serger and sewing machine set up. Now, I prefer to keep them out and ready to use. I like to do my finishing right away after each project.  I also lack a place to store them if I was to remove the table and free up more room.

I suspect this situation will be the first in the room that will get changed in some way. (in fact, since I took the picture, I have had to add a printer and a scanner to the table today, so its not going anywhere for the time being. I'll just have to be careful with my dainty derriere!)

I'm also on the look out for a new desk. Something a bit smaller and emphasis on more functional (with maybe room for the printer and scanner?). We have found a great store in town with wonderful used and antique furniture and we'll be checking there from time to time.

This view shows the double French doors which will be lovely to have open in better weather to come.  I'm hoping to  sit outside and spin or even take the spring loom outside. Its certainly light enough to carry a few steps with help.

Directly outside the doors looks like this in summer (I saw the house in July but this picture is from the listing photos, so not our patio furniture.)

Then autumn after we moved in....

Then more recently, a true winter scene....

So that just leaves spring to come and now that we've passed the winter solstice, its on the way!

Changing subjects....

As of January 8th, 2017 I will be celebrating nine years (that's a 9 !) of keeping this blog, my Thrums Journal.  I traditionally have a little give-away to celebrate.   I have a selection of weaving samples from some of my past projects that you will recognize from past posts. 

So... weavers: please leave a comment, with an email address, on this post AND/ OR the next NY's Day post, and you will be entered to win (only one entry per weaver).   Some visitors say they have difficulty leaving messages:   click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of the post and then follow the instructions.  There is a delay seeing your message as I have enabled comment moderation to eliminate some nasty spam (which you really don't want to see!).  If this somehow doesn't work for you, click on my email address at my profile and send me a note with your message, name and address and I'll add you in later.

The draw will be held on January 8th, 2017 and the winner will be posted here. So check back to see if you won!   Its not done high tech... literally names written on slips of paper, shaken up and then one drawn.   There will be a  handwoven sample from  projects of anything from 4 shafts to 16 shafts plus project notes.     Good luck!     


  1. It is great to see you all set up in your new space! I can't wait to see what wonderful things that you create!

  2. I've enjoyed following your blog, and invested in a Spring loom after reading your reviews. Thanks for generously sharing your weaving knowledge :)

  3. Looks like you have got a wonderful studio. Happy weaving and a happy New Year to you!
    PS: the magazine you sent me arrived after about 10 days. Thank you.

  4. Hi Susan I am glad to see your new weaving space. My husband keep on telling me I must downsize the weaving studio, but as soon as I get rid om something I find I still need id.

    Have a good 2017 in you new home.

    Marlene Toerien

  5. That´s really a wonderful and spacy new studio! Wish you a happy new weaving year!

  6. You know I just love your blog, you are such an accomplished weaver and always so willing to share your knowledge. And I do remember the towel I sent you!!! I am so glad you liked it.

  7. So glad your new weaving space is coming togerther. I wish you many happy days there.

    Your projects are always inspirational. Thank you for blogging about them.

  8. Congrats on your blogversary! The new studio looks wonderful and I can't wait to see what you weave in 2017 (because then I say - wow, that's beautiful - I'm going to do something like that!)

  9. Susan you seem really happy in your new home. I hope to get up to visit this year when on island to see my sister. We need to meet in person. Your work is always beautiful and you are a inspiration. Although I have yet to get back to my loom. But life stress has finally abated so maybe 2017

  10. Good Morning Susan - I am not usually envious of what others have; I have to say, looking at your beautiful new weaving studio ....I have a little "studio envy"! It is beautiful, and well thought out. You will enjoy spending time in the studio, and as you say, you can even slip into the next room and have a wonderful soak in the tub! Weavers' dream. I always look forward to your blog, and enjoy reading it. I can hardly wait to see what you have "up your sleeve" in regards to the tapestry loom. Happy New Year to you and Bruce and may all your dreams come true. Weaverly yours ..... Barbara


  11. Congratulations on your beautiful new home and your blogaversary. I,too, have a studio in what would be the master bedroom of my home. I suspect we are not alone.Happy New Year. Elaine

  12. Congratulations on 9 years!

  13. Hmm, I never thought about it before, but I guess my playroom is the master bedroom also - the previous owners installed office lighting, so we reacted accordingly. The bathroom is handy but no fancy bathtub. Just a shower!

  14. From Billie Weaver:

    Google won't let me sign up, so I can't leave a message on the blog for you - but your room looks awesome :) Can't wait to see what starts rolling off the looms in 2017!

  15. From friend Karen Provost:

    I tried to leave a comment too... Great write up and beautiful photos. I'm sure the space will be very inspiring and productive. You are in your living heaven

  16. Your studio looks great! I love the red wall. The area outside is beautiful too. I'll have to go back to see more of your be home. It looks wonderful from what I see in this post. Congrats on your new home and studio. And, best wishes for a wonderful 2017!

  17. Susan, the loom space is just wonderful. Looking forward to hearing all about your foray into tapestry weaving. Happy New Year!

  18. What a wonderful space! And beautiful view! I am a wannabe-weaver. I spin and am "learning" to use my floor loom. I need more hours or a second me:). Will be anxious to see your tapestry work.

  19. So jealous - but also so happy for you. A wonderful space you have waited long for. Enjoy! I am hoping that this will include my email address as I am leery to write it in this space for all to see....

  20. I've loved following your weaving and other adventures, Susan. You've inspired me since I began weaving seven years ago. Congratulations on your new home and studio setup—and this ninth anniversary!

  21. Happy New Year! Your studio looks fantastic and I'm anticipating some great posts in future months. Congratulations on your ninth blogiversary!

  22. congratulations on your beautiful new home and studio. Job well done :D

  23. Maryse975 wrote:

    Hello Susan,

    I so enjoy your blog! Your work is beautiful and I learn from it. I am also inspired by your move as I should have downsized long time ago. This year may be the year :-) Take care, happy weaving in your new lovely studio and happy new year in general.


  24. Your home, landscape and your studio is absolutely beautiful! What an inspirational place to make beautiful things.

  25. Congratulations on 9 years and your beautiful new studio space. I look forward to hearing more of your adventures!

  26. What a wonderful new studio! I always enjoy seeing your weaving and admire your work tremendously!

    alexis @

  27. I love seeing all the photos of your studio. It gives me some ideas for mine. Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful weaving.

  28. Lovely to see your studio space all set up. Kudos for this Big Move achievement. I always enjoy your blog!

  29. Happy New Year to you and Bruce. Looking forward to hearing of your fibrey adventures in this wonderful new space.

  30. So pleased to see you settling into your new home. A Happy Birthday or your blog too, I really enjoy your weaving so much. Always inspiring.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  31. I love your new studio, my current set up is a 4-shaft countermarche in my studio and an 8-shaft in our dining room, thank heavens for an understanding husband!
    Congratulations on your blogaversary and Happy Birthday!

  32. Your new studio looks amazing! I can't wait to see what beautiful things you'll weave in there! Happy New Year to you and Bruce"


Thank you for visiting... I love to hear from you! Sorry about the comment moderation but I will post them quickly. This is necessary to screen out some nasty spam. If you can't read the numbers in the little box, then click on the "circle with an arrow" and it will give you another. Keep trying until you get one you can read okay? If you wish a reply back from me then either check back here, or leave someway for me to contact you. My email address is available in my profile. Thanks for reading my blog, Susan