
Monday, January 16, 2017

Snap Shot

So today is supposed to be the most depressing Monday of the year.   Weather is dreary or downright cold. Christmas bills are rolling in.   Its the time of year where you just get on with getting on....

Unless you're a weaver.... then this is the prime weaving season! No holidays to prepare for,  no garden or yard work to do..... and you can sit and weave 'guilt' free.  

So call this a studio snap shot of today:

Cup of coffee and ready to start !

The Megado has had some action and a 16 shaft double plaited twill is quite eye catching.  I can see some beat issues but put that down to my bench. Its too low and so I had a double cushion on the wooden seat. It was wobbly and I kept sliding off.   Hubby has raised the bench height up for me and we'll see how that works soon.

The table runners are proceeding on the Spring loom and I'm midway on a long runner. This time I'm using a soft taupe tencel weft with the natural mercerized cotton. Its a nice combination. Definite clear pattern but not overpowering.

I'm doing some sewing and mending that have been waiting for some months.   I'm not a fan of hemming slacks and I'd rather pay someone to do it.  But its falling to me this time and like a good procrastinator, I'm here blogging rather than make a start.  (Yup, its that bad!)

I also had the warping mill set up and whirling away as I wound this warp.  Its 8/2 tencel and that's all I'm saying about this.   😉

So, I hope you are managing to avoid the flu making the rounds and staying healthy. Enjoy this weaving time..... and don't worry about other stuff going on right now.  Weave some sunshine in your studio and be creative


  1. Wonderful projects, Susan. Enjoy your weaving time.


  2. Very nice projects, especially the 16 shaft pattern I like particularly well. I am the same, January and February are the best months to weave. Wish you many beautiful weaving hours

  3. I love both patterns........ are they on hand perhaps??
    Or did you design them?

  4. Hi Hilary...
    The 12 shaft runner is my draft.... and the 16 shaft did come from I don't seem to have the number (sorry) but its under plaited twills. Hope this helps! They have some lovely plaited twills.... some look very 3D almost!

  5. I love that runner. Another case of shaft envy. However, as my left knee has been unhappy weaving with all 10 treadles of my 8H Macomber, I'm also happy that I don't have to make it reach further or press down harder. There's an upside to everything.


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