
Saturday, February 4, 2017

So... this happened.

So, week ago we had lovely sunshine, warm temperatures and we were sitting outside sunning ourselves. Bruce did some small yard tidy up and we noticed the golfers were back on the course again.  It was feeling like spring here on the Island!

Then in the past two days, this happened

There's the BBQ that was fired up just three days before and we cooked supper on. 

With a large pot of home made soup simmering on the stove,  we are now back to perfect weaving weather and I have been busy in the studio. You can't tell by the picture below but there are good tunes playing and weaving going on!

There are newly completed table runners in to soak in the laundry room (show and tell next post!) and below is the warp for a new project for the Spring loom. 

Judging by the depth of the snow, we aren't going anywhere for a day or two.   My husband just informed me he's run out of gas for the snow thrower too.  This could get interesting......

Edited in later:   Oh, it did get more interesting !  We have received an official total of 44 cms here and its still lightly falling....  24 hours after the first snow pictures shown above were taken, it looked like this:

Hubby was going out at all hours trying to keep the driveway clear, especially after the plow had been through and buried the end of the driveway!

All kinds of winter weather records are being broken all across BC as it turns into a winter to remember!

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