
Saturday, July 22, 2017


I enjoyed weaving the red silk and it was done in no time (once I got my bum on the bench). I have now moved onto the second scarf. I'm using a plain off white 30/2 silk and a different treadling variation. 

So both scarves have similar, but different patterns. Both are custom colour,  lengths and fibre choice as chosen by my customer.   She was very particular about all these details.  I like that.

Try doing that with a store bought scarf!  You get to chose from what's on the shelf or hanger and that's that.  If its purchased in a retail store it also means many other people will have your scarf too.  I have worked with a few clients who helped with designing their project and they said it really added to the experience.

So weavers.... rather than weave a scarf or towels and gift it. Why not give a lovely gift voucher for one scarf or a couple of towels..... and, with some guidelines from you,  they get to choose the colours, size, and pattern.  Really personalize it!

I have warp enough for a third scarf  and I'm starting to think on what my weft will be..... I'll be digging through my silk bin tomorrow for options.   I'll be back to show you the winner when I have a start woven.

Finally, here is our sweet loveable goofy girl Calli who puts a smile on our faces everyday.  She is having a sizeable lump removed from her side next Thursday.  If you are a 'pet person', please spare her a thought.  Initial needle tests show carcinoma cells so we hope our vet gets it all.

She loves our new, fully fenced back yard and keeps the raccoons away (sort of!)

You couldn't wish to meet a more gentle dog.  She's 7 1/2 years old and still plays like a puppy.


  1. Thanks for your interesting blog post - that "giving the client choice" idea is a good one, it made me think that I don't like to wear clothes that someone else chose for me - so why would anyone else? It is a learning process for both parties though, as I recently discovered when trying to weave a scarf for someone who wanted a scarf "exactly like" the one I was wearing, but in different yarn and colours, wider and a bit longer! I'm still unsure as to exactly what he meant.

    And I'm sending positive thoughts in your direction about your adorable dog - I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Best wishes,

  2. Susan, fingers crossed for Callie. Please keep us all posted. Has it really been 7 years since you brought her home?

  3. Gorgeous scarf! Love the idea of "help design your gift." And, especially, best wishes for the doggie's surgery and recovery!!!

  4. Bailey and I will be sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes Calli's way next Thursday.

  5. Thank you to everyone for your comments on Calli. We hope this procedure goes well too.

    Fiona: there is a certain point where the client has to yield to the weaver and their knowledge as to what will work and won't. Also what you are comfortable doing or not too! But this 'customization' of the gift does work nicely. Some people might also like to be simply surprised too.

    I have shown 2-3 drafts that I'm comfortable with, some colour choices and yarns on hand and let them choose from those. Not unless you are ready to place an order for yarns? :)

  6. Susan, so sorry to hear about Calli!!! I pray that all goes well with her surgery.

    My Maddy had a lump and it was cancer. She had a total of 3 surgeries this year between January and March.....because I found another lump! But that one was a false alarm. But now we are at chest xrays every 3 months.

    These fur babies steal our hearts!!!

    I will keep you all in my prayers.



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