
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Change is the Only Constant

 The chestnut tree in our back yard is right on the point of letting go.... and all these leaves will drop soon.   The rest of the garden has been cut back and tidied for winter.   There have been three substantial wind and rain storms in one week and now we are enjoying a brief time of sunshine and warmer air. So much so  that the furnace is turned off and the windows open to air out the house.  I count us lucky right now as parts of northern BC received 55 centimetres of snow yesterday!

The Japanese maple is turning deep red, with a few last rose buds on the shrub below.

Out in the front yard our ornamental cherry tree at the end of the driveway is looking more like sugar maple! Beside the driveway is a bush I can never recall the name of but I call it burning bush.  Its an eye catching red!   We're supposed to get an early snowfall and possibly as much snow as last year, but maybe be warmer over all compared to last winter according to the Farmer's Almanac.

We moved here just a year ago but spent much of October 2016 unpacking and indoors due to rain. We never really got to enjoy the Fall at all.  By the time we lifted our heads out of boxes, it was snowing!    This Fall I'm sitting outside and spinning, but there's a good reason for that.....

Under all this mess is my dining room table..... and the mess is books and such from the studio. I had to empty the room as much as possible so it can be painted. I came up with the idea, signed on for it and looking forward to the conclusion, but in the meantime its chaos here!

It was a photo finish to get the last warp off the Louet Spring and here I am, late at night,  pressing hems and pinning them for some hand sewing. 

These are taken the morning after.... and the looms are waiting to be covered while they work around them. The ceiling, walls and trims are all being done.   Yes, I'm keeping the burgundy feature wall.... just refreshing it.  The other walls will be done in a light dove grey. Down at the opposite end is an ensuite bathroom with white tiles, malachite green and a touch of grey. I decided to go with the hint of grey.  Its neutral and helps to counter the accent rose wall.   (I had to cover a deep forest green wall once at one home we owned and three coats of primer later plus two top coats and the green still came through, so I thought, "why fight it?")

Then the following pictures were taken at the end of the first day. They were bringing in equipment and supplies and organizing the paint, plus double checking what's to be done.

Its not an overly large space but they managed to bring in and set up five ladders (there are some little shorty ones out of camera view).     Day 2 went well with paint being rolled on doors and trims already...  Day 3 is about to start with walls being done.   The ceiling will be Saturday's job! I think they got the right height ladder worked out now.

Once this room is all done they will move onto hubby's den and office, then the bedroom, main bath and a small hallway.... and this is our life for the next two weeks. We're up bright and early every day..... have I ever mentioned that I'm not a morning person? At least I can set up the studio again while they work on the other side of the house.    We have yet to decide where and how we're to sleep while they paint the bedroom ! Indoor camping anyone?   

So this post is likely the only one for October and I'm sorry about that.  I had intentions of posting more, and had some weaving underway but we were busy with end of the season house and yard maintenance, plus some medical appointments regarding my feet.  Plain and simple, they hurt and its osteoarthritis.  I'm not looking for sympathy here but simply saying that I needed to take things slower and that doesn't translate through to much in the way of interesting reading!   So once the painting is done and my house set to rights again, we'll get the looms moving again!


  1. Your house and garden as so lovely. A joy to behold online, and surely a joy to live in. And although the total disruption isn't fun, isn't it grand to be able to pay someone else to do it, and to therefore have it all done in two weeks? I'm at that stage of my life, too. Painted enough walls in my younger days, don't want to do it. And trim? The professionals are MUCH better at it than me!

  2. Thanks Peg...
    I painted much of our last home single handed and its hard on the body! The bending, the stretching.... the nasty ladders. It takes hours of work! I actually liked the 'zen' of painting and the end result though. I simply don't have the joints for this activity anymore and so hired pros to do the work. I chuckled when I found out that the husband and wife team doing the work are only a couple of years younger than me! I reckon they are in 'game shape'... and I'm most certainly not!


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