
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Travel Post: Deep Bay, BC

Deep Bay is along the east coast of Vancouver Island, south of the town of Courtenay.  Very pretty little community and most homes have stunning ocean views.  We had an offer on a home here for a time 18-20 months ago which fell through.  It all worked out fine for us so we're happy.....  but we went for drive to see the community we almost called ours.

Panorama view of the interior bay.... at low tide.

This view is facing the mainland and shipping enters by moving leftwards and it curves around to enter the Deep Bay. The mountains you see are over on the mainland.

The vessels enter the bay approx mid picture towards the marina. So we were standing on a spit of land, wide enough for large homes with water views front and back!

Deep Bay marina.... totally protected, deep anchorage. It seems an earthquake in 1946 caused the bottom of the bay to drop 84 feet!

The head of the bay with access road on the spit.

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