
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Out in a Blaze of Glory

I have always loved this time of the year.   Warm days, cool nights and a feeling of change in the air.  Golden sunlight that burns off early morning fog each day.   We like to take time out from our daily errands to explore locally, take the unknown road and see where it goes.   Sometimes we go to a bench along the shore line and just sit and watch the waves roll in.   

This day we were sitting and watching a large out of control forest fire on (uninhabited) East Redonda Island. Just a huge plume of smoke. I turned and looked a bit further to the north and could see three old volcanic cones looking very craggy and menacing.  I have enlarged a cell phone pick and so if you click on it, you can make out the three old cones in the Coastal Mountain Range over on the mainland.  They'll have a dusting of snow by now I'm sure.

There are three marinas or docking facilities for boats and water craft in Campbell River.  South end of town is the government docks, where fish boats tie up and you can walk the docks and buy fresh seafood off the boats. Crab, scallops,  and rock cod to name some.    There is also a long pier there where you can rent a rod and try your hand at catching a salmon.   No luck? then check out the aquarium where they feature a close view of the inhabitants of Discovery Passage (which runs between Campbell River and Quadra Island).

At the northern end of town at Tyee Spit there is a lovely park, benches and a variety of small boats out trying their hand at catching the big one and the local marine work yard is next door.  Boats lifted out of the water for repairs and paint. Looking awkwardly like beached whales.  There seems to be a dock for very large trawlers to tie up here. The kind that could travel up the coast to Haida Gwaii and further to Alaskan waters.

Then, approximately mid town is a central marina where smaller craft such as pleasure craft, tugs, trawlers all nestle together behind a breakwater.  We stopped and Bruce took some pictures of the vessels in the golden afternoon light.

We had noticed this large trawler sitting in the sun looking very fine!  Complete with a black jolly roger flag with skull and crossbones.  Click to enlarge and have a look.  ☠️ 

As the day progressed and the sun was setting, Bruce caught this nice shot of the Quadra Island ferry sitting at the terminal in Campbell River.   It takes passengers over to Quadra and some drive across island to catch yet another ferry to Cortez Island.

This picture was taken about twenty minutes drive south of Campbell River at a place called Oyster Bay.  We sat on a log by the water and admired the view. The brown 'smudge' is a family  enjoying a driftwood beach fire and wading in the water.   With miles of beaches here.... no point crowding anyone !

Meanwhile at home, we have begun the process of wrapping up summer and putting things away for the winter. Flower baskets are done, some furniture is covered and more is destined to shift to the garden sheds soon.     Some plants think its time to bloom again!   I'm not sure of the name of this plant but in the spring its covered in thick waxy blossoms and has large green ovoid leaves. I'm thinking its either a variety of camellia or magnolia. The flowers looks like orchid blossoms!

I'm dedicating these blossoms to the memory to Dianna, our dear neighbour, who passed away last week. They grow on the fence that we share together.

Out front of our house, this shrub is in bright glorious colour as the nights get chilly.  Again, I'm not sure of its name, but I call it the burning bush due to the high intensity reds.  This is one of my favourite seasons ...... but I'm very mindful that this is season is also very brief because.....

.... this is coming to a yard near me very soon!

Our house in the winter of 2016-2017

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo....don’t show that winter picture just yet! Too early! I’m still mowing my lawn, although I know in real life the snow will fly soon.


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