
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Well.... that didn't go as planned....

Sorry about the missing pictures, but this is a problem that Blogger is looking to resolve. 

I have been merrily weaving away on the towels on the Megado every afternoon and there's not much warp left.     Mid towel my dobby just up and died!    I pushed cords and cables around and it started up again and so I did an extra push to get the towel completed "just in case'.

Today the loom started but when I enabled the solenoids to start the pattern, they all clicked very loudly ..... and died. This time more permanently.  😢

I took these pictures and sat and wrote support at Louet with my problem and got a speedy reply back which said that they had bad news for me.

This loom was built in 2001 and bought new in 2002 by my dear friend when she attended Convergence in Vancouver.    Dave at Louet North America tells me that the interior workings are all 1990's technology which is no longer repairable as they can't source any of the parts.  They will only fix dobbys from 2014 vintage onwards.    

See the pale cord in the photo? That's a serial port cable.  It was common on 9 pin printers.... in the  1990's!    I have an adapter so it takes it from serial to USB  for my computer.    Its either an antique... or a dinosaur. Take your pick!    

I told Bruce its more of a paperweight now and I have a loom that doesn't work until it gets a new brain. 

So I'm ordering a refurbished computer-dobby that is much more modern that what I have been using and is fully warranted  by Louet. They can ship it this week apparently.       So that warp will sit until it arrives.

Tomorrow, I'll work on the Spring....   that one uses my brain, so we're not out of the woods yet!  😳


  1. Good luck with the changes. The scarf you are weaving on your Spring is beautiful, so I look forward to seeing its progress.

  2. It is really amazing to me how quickly technology has changed....truly, it feels like the speed of lightning. In my mind your Megado is cutting edge, so to find out it is technically a Dino is surprising. Thankfully you have your Spring to fall back on (pun intended) and you won't have to stop weaving entirely.

  3. It's good you can update it. That's why I love that all my looms and knitting machines run on muscle power. It helps keep me healthy and sane.

  4. I much prefer a full on physical loom myself and so had to adjust to the Megado where it does all the 'thinking'. I came to realize that you do all the work with the draft and planning anyway. I also have a history of joint issues and subsequent replacements so this type of loom is wonderful for a weaver who has lost some of their physicality. It keeps them in the game doing what they love.
    That's a good thing in my opinion.... By the way.... its still a good work out!


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