
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

🍼 Its Official.....

See that sweet face looking up at you?  Well, she's our little girl now.   We pick her up on September 5th.  Click on the picture to enlarge....

Lots to do to get ready.... but we're excited.  😁


  1. I knew it, I just knew it! When I first saw the picture of the puppies in the basket she was the pup I picked out! Congratulations! I very happy for all of you!

  2. Yay! A girl who knows how to mug for the camera. What could be better?😁 Will eagerly watch her antics in the coming months.

  3. I am trying to figure out the brake assembly on an older Toika loom. I think it is a Liisa but am no tussore. I bought it used from a someone who had bought it used, so no instructions. If you have any clear pictures of the front and back ratchets I would appreciate some help. I have 1 picture that show string/twine running from the front ratchet over the top and down to the back ratchet where it splits into 3 different pieces. Is this really the way it works?

  4. Dear Unknown...

    I have never owned a Toika loom so not able to help you. Visit and using their search box, look for weaving groups. There will be one for Toika.

    Also look for weaving pages at FB.

    You could also just contact Toika or a Toika dealer for additional help.


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