
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

🌎 Sea Fans

A weaving post!   Finally..... and hopefully you'll find it was worth the wait.   😁

It all started with this 16 shaft point twill draft, which I believe was designed by Ingrid Boesel.  I was playing around with the colour gradient feature of Fiberworks (for Mac) and knew I had the colours in my tencel stash. I have been enjoying working more with blues and teals this year and they are popular when it comes to sales.

The colours shown aren't quite like the yarns I actually used but close enough for my purposes.  I used Web's  'Valley" 8/2 tencel in royal, greyed blue, dark teal and greyed teal in the warp.   The weft yarns selected were navy and dark teal.

Winding the warp takes a bit of time as you go through the colour order one thread at a time,  cutting off and retying on a new colour.  I use little post it notes to isolate the 4-6 ends in play on the warping mill.  I don't mind it really as I enjoy watching the colours evolve and blend on the mill.  Eye candy!

Then  it was wound onto the loom and you can see why I was enjoying the colour blending!

So, above is the start of the navy weft scarf, which is basically upside down. The centres of the fans are all colour on the opposite side.    I got this scarf woven off just before the puppy came..... and then all weaving stopped for two months.   

This is the start of the second scarf using dark teal as my weft choice.  This softened  the colour gradation in the warp and the royal blue appears as a shimmer along the edges.  

It took time to get my weaving mojo back. I also discovered my legs didn't like the treadling action and I had to build up my weaving sessions.    Gah, I'm sadly out of shape!

I watched Sir David Attenborough's "A Life on Our Planet" on Netflix while twisting the fringes, while sitting at my desk.  It was a stark reminder of how fast humans have changed this world, but it was the oceans that affected me the most.  There are hopeful choices we can make to alter this future..... I recommend watching this documentary. 

 🐿  🌳  🌍  🌏  🌎  🌊 🐠

I had to wait for some sunshine to lighten up, brighten up the house sufficiently to get some decent pictures for you.  I literally caught a one hour patch of sunshine yesterday  just before another  cloud front rolled in.

So first up is the navy blue weft and I call this scarf "Big Blue" after the Pacific ocean here on our doorstep.

Then here's the dark teal weft scarf that I call "Caribbean" for the tropical oceans. The fans remind me of the coral reefs.    Yea, this one is my favourite....   💖  

There is just three weeks until the Winter Solstice, and the return of the sun light. Before we can get to lighter times ahead we must brave a cold snowy winter and Covid 19.   So dig out the snow shovels, and keep your masks on.  We can't avoid the snow but we can protect against the virus.  Its far easier to do that than it is to  deal with the illness.  Its like Russian roulette.... you might be a carrier and not get sick at all, you might not get too sick and recover, you may get very ill and die..... and if you recover you may have life long lingering health effects.    Wearing a mask and staying home is so much  simpler.     Vaccine help is on the way......   😷  💉

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, what beauties! Love, love, love them. I'm so happy to hear that you are getting back into the weaving groove and I can't wait to see more in the coming months.


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