
Sunday, January 17, 2021

In Search of..... and Found!

 Christmas arrived late here!

I saw an ISO or 'in search of' ad at Ravelry's group Warped Weavers Marketplace. Now I have to say that I usually stay away from that page because I don't need anything, but this ad had just gone up three days before.

The poster wanted to trade end delivery shuttles of one type for end delivery shuttles of another type.   She had Schacht end feed shuttles and didn't care for them and would like to trade for AVL's or Bluster Bay's.

I have been collecting different shuttles now for some years but the ones I prefer and use daily are the Schacht EDS. I just happened to have a bunch of AVL's that I don't use and they sit collecting dust.   So I snapped some pictures and we exchanged messages to and fro.   We agreed to trade straight across and so all this venture cost was postage.

So I mailed away these to Georgia, USA, along with some pirns that fit the smaller shuttles:

..... and today, I got these in the mail!

We are both very happy, both have what we like and prefer!   So maybe this is a good way to move equipment out and get something you need at a reasonable cost? 

Meanwhile I have been winding a gradient warp for a shawl using the four colours below and shifting  across the warp one or two ends at a time between teals to blues.   It seems to be a calming way to handle an insurrection.   😳   

Oh, and I'm doing a purge of yarns. The finer ones my eyes can't see anymore!  Frog hair yarn. 

8/2 tencel: dark teal, greyed teal, grey blue, blue purple

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