
Sunday, June 27, 2021

☀️🔥 Heat Wave

Sometime last week to ten days ago I recall seeing that the south western USA was experiencing a heat dome effect. Literally a cap of heat that sits over the land and doesn't move. It prevents sea breezes from moderating the temperatures and actually draws intense hot air from the interior.   There is no cool down at night and so it just builds day by day.

I thought " those poor people!" 

Well, a week later and it seems that western Canada has one and we're under it right now. The link is to a local new article on the heatwave:   Heat  Dome Article

So this is a current temperature map for BC  right now.  I live in Campbell River.  For my American readers:  double the temperature and add 30 to get Fahrenheit numbers.  The humidex scale adds in the effects of humidity levels.   Also please bear in mind that we don't normally get high heat like this so many homes do not have AC.  There is usually a nice ocean breeze to moderate things.   

Here you can see the dome effect over the province..... and with resulting increase in forest fires.

Posted today by former astronaut Chris Hadfield is a global map showing our early summer heat. We are suffering here but I would not like to be further over in parts of southern Europe.    Climate Change can not be denied any longer.   

I recommend viewing the documentary at Netflix:  Breaking Boundaries  The Science of our Planet.  Its by the people who gave us Our Planet and Blue Planet and narrated by Sir David Attenborough.  Its a stark look at the boundaries we have crossed at sustaining life on Earth and how the next decade is crucial to our future on this Planet. They also give  viable solutions.

EDIT: June 30th. The sun was so hot for so long that it actually burnt our bushes!  Our highest temperature during the four days was 39.3 Celsius or 108.6 F.   Fortunately the temperatures came down today as the heat dome moved further east. We even have sea breezes again but things are still rather warm. I have heard from friends that they all have sun damage in their gardens.   And summer is just starting....  the forest fires have started. 


Meanwhile: here at home we are keeping cool and still staying close to home for now.    I get my second covid vaccine on July 7th and two weeks later we should feel much more confident about interactions again.  The northern end of Vancouver Island has only one active covid case right now, but we are under no illusions that as summer visitors will bring a lot more with them as they travel than a mask free smile.


I'm still chipping away at weaving but also winding future warps and generally not pushing myself very hard.  Before the weather turned ugly hot, we were just enjoying sitting outside and enjoying the  garden and I would spin  on my Hansen mini spinner.

 💰 Our big home improvement for the year is to have the exterior of our home painted, along with two garden sheds.  We made arrangements with a painter last October, 2020 and it seems our time has come up in his schedule.  Last Thursday our place was power washed, all concrete power washed too..... and the roof soaked ahead of adding a de-mossing treatment.  

Weather permitting, first thing tomorrow.... and I mean *very* early in the day, painting will start  and take a week.   I will post before and after shots in a future post.   Yes, there will be a colour change....    🏠

❄️  Keep cool!  ❄️


  1. Oh, be careful of making any assumptions with the covid-19 vaccine's success! I had the two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and, when tested for the second time in June, still had not developed antibodies to the covid spike protein. Darned autoimmune disease medication is suspected to be the culprit. I'm now holding the medication for a period of time to let it be gone from my system and then will try re-vaccination with one of the other vaccines.

  2. Hi Joanna...
    So sorry to hear that! Would you mind me asking which medicine you are on? I take something for lupus so it would be helpful to know....

    I reckon the Autumn will tell the tale on Covid and the Delta variants..... we might be okay, to we might be in lock down again.


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