
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

🍑 A Real Georgia Peach..... of a Towel Exchange

 We're into the dog days of summer and about to hit yet another few days of a hot spell here. The bench and planter are tucked back in the shade by our front door.   I retreat to the cool of the house. 

I have been keeping busy but not pushing myself. It is summer after all.    I've been spinning quite a bit and also just completed three scarves.   They are waiting to be photographed  and will appear next post.    There's a new 8/2 cotton warp on the Spring loom for some baby blankets, one of which is a gift and the baby is already a month old. Better get busy!

There is threading happening on the Megado for two shawls which will happen in between everything else.  Baby blankets first remember?  😊 🍼

I have a much  more open look in the studio now as the Leclerc tapestry loom has gone to a new home on Cortez Island.  This past week one of my two mannequins  went to a new home and took my serger along as well.   I have another machine so I'm still serging when necessary.    I don't need two....  

I'm selling my Majacraft Rose spinning wheel as my arthritic feet really don't like the repetitive motion, no matter how smooth it is.   The Hansen e-spinner is working out very nicely.     The paring down will continue as I divest myself of  "things that no longer give me joy".   I'm not so sure about the joy or lack there of, but it sure feels so much better to be free of stuff I walked around and ignored. 

Changing subjects..... I agreed to participate in a towel exchange this summer. It was held in honour of the memory of this man. Reverend Wayne Nicholson who was a dear friend and avid weaver.  Wayne died tragically a few years ago in a car accident.   His enthusiasm for weaving touched many lives and so his friends on line at Ravelry decided to do a towel exchange in his name. 

Wayne would have *loved* it.....

I sent a towel to Cheryl in Union Point, Georgia.   It was one of the recent herring bone twill towels, along with some interesting loose teas for sipping.   Then after a glitch with USPS, I recently got my towel from Cheryl. She sent me two towels and some tea sachets to enjoy.

One is all cotton and bright and cheerful and now in service in my kitchen. The second is a lovely 100% all linen towel.   Both are so lovely.

Its so wonderful to have a connection with another weaver despite all the miles in between. We're all cut from the same cloth really. 

😎  ⛱ ☀️ Keep cool and enjoy the last of summer!   🍹 🍦

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