
Monday, June 19, 2023

Making Waves ๐ŸŒŠ

Every now and then, I feel the need to try something new or do something old differently.  Weavers can get into comfortable ruts like anyone else.    Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, so you try a different angle.

So speaking of angles.   I have woven "Wall of Troy" in the past but found this nifty tessellated twill progression at  #78316      If you get right up close, it has a series of little pattern boxes all neatly marching along.   The effect is almost 3D and looks like waves or ripples.

I have this painted tencelwarp from Carr Park Artisans called Blue Lagoon, but at 200 ends, it's rather narrow.  I added a double black (two threads used as one) and a soft gold tencel.     The final band is 8/2 tencel in Mineral Green.  So I'm also trying out an asymmetrical  design as well.   Lots going on....but let's back up a bit to the beaming part....

Some pretty pictures of the threading...

The view of the back where I was testing out 3D printed lease stick holders from    I had some difficulty keeping them in place and that seems to be on me as I had them turned the wrong way  ๐Ÿ˜ณ   I must say the lease sticks being firmly wrangled and not bouncing on a cord was quite an improvement!

I went onto buy a set of Lofty Fiber's Helping Hands as well and so plan to see which one suits me best.    

The draft from #78316

It's a tough grouping of colours to team up with.  After a black weft, I replaced the double black ends with amethyst and used amethyst as weft.    It's nice, but not great.... hindsight says I should have stuck with the back as it has the best impact for all colours and visuals.    Given so many new things being attempted, something had to fall short in expectations.     Can't hit every one out of the park!

The show and tell portion......

I tried some in the shade and some in the sun.  I'm not that good a photographer to compensate beyond toggling my camera to automatic settings.    You do your best.... and try again.

So the learning curve?
  • I loved the advancing twill and will weave it again sometime.
  • asymmetrical is kinda nifty but the OCD part of me likes things in balance (but I will try it again)
  • go with your gut when it comes to colour choices.
  • don't be afraid to try!  
  • failure is how we learn and grow.
  • I'll try the Gingerlocks lease stick holders again but the right way around. 
  • Try the Helping Hands version next and see.  Then compare experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Trying new things doesn't always work (as I know well) but you did well. Its unfortunate the amythest dominates the beautiful warp colours but still very pretty. Did you think of putting a 2 thread band on each selvedge matching the other stripes as a sort of "book end".
    Very much enjoying catching up on reading your blog.


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