
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dobby.... and not the one from Harry Potter!

I can recall my friend Margaret telling me that when she went to Convergence in Vancouver in 2002 that she decided to buy a Louet Megado loom to play with. She had seen a demonstration  and ordered a narrower width  loom with 16 shafts.   Due to an oversell,  they upgraded her to a '110' 16 shafts. Nice upgrade!   😁

Margaret had many happy years weaving on the loom, when in 2012 it became my loom.   The original dobby box is as shown below.   Nicely crafted wooden box that held all the magic that makes your loom run!

A sign that it was ageing technology was the fact it used a serial port at the box to USB connector at the computer end.  Margaret had used a small Palm Pilot to run it.    She had sent it away to be 'tuned up' and so I wove happily for the most part.  I had issues but that was simply me adjusting to a loom that did all the thinking and I just threw the shuttle.    I'm totally fine with it now.   I realize that I do all the thinking part in advance and so now can enjoy watching the pattern form up and listen to music at the same time. 

That went along well until March 2020 when one minute it worked and next, it didn't. No warning at all. Just up and quit....

There was a big thing happening then called a Pandemic and life had narrowed us down to our 4 walls!   I had discussions about  a repair, and they just laughed.   It was explained to me that no one had any of the parts in the dobby box any longer....  the loom has been purchased in 2002, but the parts inside were designed in the 1990's!   Later after opening up the box, the pitiful pile of wires and such showed they weren't kidding!

I had two choices: a new Version 2 dobby at $5K ..... or a reconditioned dobby version 1 at $2500.00.   Since nobody expects this to happen (well, I didn't 😳)   I went with the reconditioned dobby, which they assured me was one year old or less. The former owner had decided to upgrade to the new Version 2.
So it arrived and I set it up and got busy weaving to pay for it!  💰  The box this time was this black metal thing...

I did have issues but they were related to Fiberworks, loom drivers and Apple messing with their programming but I eventually reached a place where I have that all handled and resolved. I can at least weave. (*someone reading this and having difficulties with their dobby and a Mac can reach me via the email address in my profile*)

Roll the clock to 2024 and Louet is having a 50th anniversary celebration!    They are offering 10% off looms and dobby's if ordered by July 31st.   It was late June / early July and I thought I would look into it and see what the new Version 2.2 dobby was all about.    It has wifi !

But after talking with a weaver who owns one , she basically does what I currently do which is to do design work on one computer with Fiberworks, then, put the new draft on a USB stick and take it to the computer that runs the loom and plug that in and bring it up in Fiberworks  and run the loom from there. 

So I was thinking: "my dobby works, the process is basically the same to run it.... so why spend the money?"

Then in a conversation with one of the staff at Jane Stafford Textiles who are Louet dealers.... she dropped  a bombshell comment that the version 1 dobby is no longer supported by Louet for repairs.     

That got my attention.     I have had my version 1 dobby for four years and it was a year old before that.  So, am I feeling lucky?    Or not?  

If I use it as a trade in, I get 10% off and they can deal with the older dobby.    Selling it privately just went out the window as who wants to buy a dobby that can't be fixed?   I know I sure wouldn't !

So now I'm leaning to buying the shiny new Version 2.2 dobby.      I checked prices at various Louet dealers on line here in Canada and it seems Jane Stafford Textiles has the best price.   I had questions about running the on board proprietary Louet software program so they recommended me talking to another weaver (the same weaver as mentioned previously).  I had a list of questions and we went through those and  had a great chat...

Her:  does your current dobby work?
Me: yes, no issues.
Her: so why get rid of it?
Me:  to get 10% off
Her:  why not keep it as a back up then? That way if the new one needs repairs, you have something to use while you wait.  Its that worth the trade in $$  ?

Me:   😳   Heck Yeah!

Pictures from the internet of the new version 2.2 dobby.

So I have paid a deposit and told that it will arrive sometime in October when they get a big shipment in.   Meanwhile, in the studio I have gone through every book,  all equipment and such and listed them into my Etsy shop and downsizing.    You simply can't do it all, read it all or need it all.....     Besides some extra cash will be nice to help offset my new purchase and as of today's date I have raised $1500.00 which isn't too shabby!

I plan to weave off the two shawls on my Spring loom and once empty, she will be cleaned,  tickled up and made to look pretty.... and then she'll be up for sale.  (Full details, price to come but it will be pick up only)

I lift the loom up to do the tie up's but it still requires bending forward and my spine literally slipped forward off the spinal column and I'd rather not tempt fate again. The pain was simply dreadful and I'd rather not repeat that.   A change in direction and goals happen from time to time and you adjust to the new reality and carry on. 

So my Megado and I are to become a closer team, a slower team.   I will be weaving for fun and not letting the pressure of filling a shop push me to over do things. 


Then in this morning's emails.... I got a notice UPS shipping notice.  The dobby is being delivered this Friday!

So.... a bit sooner than I was expecting.... but hey!



  1. It all sounds very exciting Susan, who doesn't like a new toy to play with! I can't wait to see what you and the revamped Megado will come up with.

  2. Wow, that is really exciting, it sounds like everything just lined up perfectly for you. My dream loom is the Megado dobby but the mechanical rather than computerised version - we have way too many power outages for an electric loom!

  3. Congratulations! The stars have aligned!
    I look forward to seeing what you create on your new loom.


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