
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In Between Times

summer phlox... can you smell the perfume?
With just a gentle breeze, the scent of these flowers fill our house! Its the first of September so not many warm days left ahead. The nights have a decided chill to them. The trees and gardens are looking tired.

This post is, well, all over the place! In between times for many things. First up I have a picture below that I wanted to include in my post on the Vancouver trip but it was missed. I found a lovely roof top garden next to our building and it looked like an oasis in the city.

A lovely Japanese style roof top garden!
It gets better! Once at home and downloading my camera, I got to zoom in and take a much closer look. If you click on the picture, you'll see it  too!  There's a good sized pond complete with koi. I wish I could have gone there and taken a closer look...

There's fish in there!
Next up is the studio. I have steadily worked through all my finishing and you are totally up to date with completed projects. I spent a few days winding warps and have one on Lilibet and two additional spare ones for her. Meanwhile I did another adjustment to the 20+ tie up cords on Emmatrude to prevent irregular sheds and then started to wind another towel project. When in doubt, do towels!
Last fall, I made kitchen towels using the pattern 'breaks and recesses' that were very popular with buyers. I like them too as they are a straight 8 shaft draw and same easy treadling as all the pattern is in the tie up. The kind of weaving where you can get just throw the shuttle and get into a wonderful rhythm. No nasty long treading plan to memorize or keep track of.

Triadic colour arrangement again
Here are my colour choices on my warping box. The box was made for me by a friend's husband who was a nifty carpenter. The pegs are removable for larger sized cones and the thread is fed up through smooth holes on the top to the warping board above. The green, and salmon pink cones all have a bit of a yellow undertone and so the soft yellow cone works well with them. The plum works nicely with the green and white is the base colour. This is the triadic arrangement on the colour wheel again, except I picked them first and realized the association later!

Eleven yards of 8/2 cotton,  25 "wide at the reed, sett 24 epi
So, this is where the project sits right now and I'll be working on threading and sleying and starting to weave this week.
stripes of 20/2 silk plus painted variegation of similar size
On  Lilibet, my Louet Spring 90 I have another reprise of a popular pattern. Last year I made runners using cottons, and when I found a hand painted silk skein by Fleece Artist in soft greens, I saw it coupled with cream silk and featuring "Flowers and Lace" again. I won't elaborate too much on the project here as it will have its own separate post sometime soon, but a few details won't hurt!

special denting involved
Its has the green sections of 3 thread huck lace, or mock leno, which is dented three to a dent on a twelve dent reed, with empty dents on either side. The white silk sections are dented 2 per dent (for 24 epi). A bit fussy? perhaps... but look!

silk version of flowers and lace
Its very pretty! I've only just started and now wishing I had done a warp for three scarves and not just the two on the loom. The weft is cream bamboo.

Okay! Now for a seismic shift and taking you out of my studio to the Outside!  We have more renovations under way again but this time not in the middle of my private spaces. The expansive cedar decking has had its day and is slowly rotting away and its time to be replaced. We plan to rebuild it pretty much the same, but there is a portion we are going to return back to lawn and possibly this fall if weather permits, or next spring.

Add two young men with strong backs and eager to get going!
First you hire two young men with strong backs and endless energy. Meet Colin and Pat (in red). Colin runs his own yard maintenance business and is a most enterprising young man! They are removing the railing and glass on the upper deck.
This thing is HUGE! 40 cubic yards
Bruce called for a large bin to be delivered for the wood waste and I was stunned to see this behemoth in the driveway! The walls of this thing are roughly 8 foot high! We'll never use all that....
Add one Hubby who wants to keep up with two twenty year olds!
Meet Bruce, who like the young lads, loves to cut things up and play with power tools and tractors.
young men love to rip things apart... with power tools!
So on day one, the guys got all the lower decks cut up and into the bin and even did clean up of the area. There were tons of little toys under the old deck from children past who used to live here. Most likely they are full grown as the deck is at least 20 to 25 years old.
The lower decks are in here...
The bin is filling but we have lots of room still....

lower side deck and stairs ... gone!

So the side deck beside my studio is now history.  The front entry, which you can see on the left, will be taken down later and replaced when the carpenter comes mid to late September to rebuild everything. That will be a two week process...
...its gone from much  too big, to, maybe too small?
The bin is much fuller now and we have lots of upper deck and posts to go yet. I'm actually wondering if it will all fit in now!

removing the concrete footings

Bruce used the Kubota Kub to remove the concrete footings. The section where he's working is the area we plan to return to lawn. Its level and flat so a load of top soil/ sand mix and a large bag of seed should do it.

Has an open 'post and beam look' to it now
On this day, there's just Colin and Bruce and they have joists and beams to go. The saws sounded so loud inside... my ipod came in real handy! The house looks so small with no decks...
... and down she comes!
Colin did the cutting and Bruce guided it down with a huge *thump!*  They wore big smiles, especially when things unexpectedly fell down and didn't hit something like windows, patio doors... or them!

They have filled it!
Okay, the bin is full, with more to go in.... so what to do?
not only full but trying to make more room!
You get in and rework things a bit.... and turn into  dumpster divers!  They managed to free up room for the heavy posts

Colin operating the Kub
Colin was thrilled when Bruce told him to try his hand at operating the tractor. I watched the whole thing and he was very good at the controls and even parked it in the carport. (Our tractor is under cover and our car isn't... what does that tell you?)

looking smaller and a bit naked!
So at the end of a long day, there's a lone post and a small section of deck to go. The post has mason bees in it and we hope to move it down to the garden so they can help with the fruit trees next spring.  There's three weeks to finish the final portions so for now, sore back and muscles are being rested. Earlier this morning after a night of rain a large Kenworth truck backed up the driveway and picked up the bin. The old decks will be ground up, have composted manure added to it and turned into bark mulch for gardens. I like that whole concept.....


  1. So much to see in this post! I loved the pictures of your weaving: lovely colours, great pattern!
    Looking forward to the pictures of rebuilding and restyling the garden.

  2. Wow, whole lotta work going on at your place. New decks will be awesome. The warps look great too. I love the towel warp colors. Very pretty and hats off to you for doing so many of them. I'm stretching myself doing anything over 5 yards. Enjoy the cool nights, perfect sleeping weather.

  3. OK....boys and their toys! I have to admit that I had a chuckle or two just thinking about the guys being given permission to tear something down. Heaven!!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the towels in progress.

  4. You do have a lot going on!!

    Love the towels! It's great to see a beautiful example of lace. I'm about to race through an example that I'm deeply uncertain about. But I have a deadline so it's off to the races!

    Seems like you packed a lot into your summer!!

    The roof garden is awesome!


  5. I love seeing what your current projects are - both are wonderful. And it's very fun to see house remodeling projects too.

  6. WOW! What a great post, lots of thing happening all around. I love the colors your using for the towels and the lace and flowers looks lovely. The boys and destruction they all love that, if they can blow it up, tear it down and use power tools, well then that's just a great day.

  7. Hi there - a post full of great pictures ! I loved seeing the fish in the pond !!
    The tea towels look great, I think I saw that draft in Carol Strickler's 8 shaft book. The colours you have chosen are so good together ! I need to do a run of tea towels as they sold really well at the craft fair.
    The roses and the lace look good also and I looked back at the ones you did last time and they were finished beautifully !
    Bruce is having a great time with the demolishing but glad he has two youngsters to help out a bit ! I can almost hear the banging all the way over here !
    Thanks for an interesting post

  8. We've also had a 'keeping up with the younger guys' incident. As Hubby if he's wired for 2 20's!

  9. What a great photo of a rooftop garden! That would be such a nice space to escape to on a lunch hour.

    I love the silk, with the sheen to the yarn and the pattern that you've chosen.

  10. I was kinda thinking that what you could see when you zoomed in was going to be someone sunbathing naked . . . .

  11. I love the bamboo warp for the scarves!!

    The roof garden is amazing!! Wouldn't it be fun to see it in person?

    I'm looking forward to see pictures of the finshed deck.


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