
Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back.... Before Moving Ahead

I have been thinking through the past days of this dwindling year as many of you are also doing. I don't make New Year resolutions but reaffirm personal goals. Its usually a short list of three to five things I'd really like to see or do in the coming year and then try to include them with what ever life has lined up for me.
Life is like a ride... are we taking the yacht or the row boat?

I did weave more this year and I also became better acquainted with my spinning wheel again and in fact by late in 2010 I had added another wheel to the fold. I'm not a serious spinner but do it more to relax. One of my goals is to spend time spinning outdoors on our new deck.

A black silk warp 'disaster' that finally, successfully graced Madge!

We demolished our kitchen, dining room, stairwell and laundry room (it was flooded out!) and five months later it was basically complete including new patio doors. In addition to all new exterior doors and decks, we revamped much of the upper flower gardens and  planted a new Catalpa tree. There was the ongoing and seemingly endless yard clean up of old fencing and scrub.  So it was a long, expensive and *very* stressful process that is now mitigated by a lovely kitchen to work in,  and a garden deck space that will be fun this coming summer.

From old and tired....

to .... new and improved!

I was over to Vancouver more than a few times to help with regards to my father's health crisis. This was ongoing for two and a half months but he's home, much improved and still living independently. We had a wonderful chat via phone this Christmas. We go back a long way and I'm *very* happy he's still here with us!
I did manage to visit friends in a short trip away and they returned the favour by coming to visit and it was good to hear they liked our improvements! I also gained new, long distance friends this year and they came about due to this blog and I'm  so happy they are there.

Lynnette at the Kelowna Spin in

Dorothy across the Pond in Scotland

 We had to say good bye to our little terrier, Connor, after thirteen and a half years which was quite the wrench but we are now looking forward to  a new pup in May 2011 or so!  We are ready to surrender to the cuteness and chaos that will be unleashed.

Connor at 8 weeks old.... let's go!
There is a theme that runs through all the above :  All have a positive outcome, no matter how scary the start!      So while I have no idea of what 2011 holds for us, it will all work out okay in the end.

Our Christmas turkey this year!

Whether you are at home comfortably alone or celebrating with friends, I wish you all the very best as we ring in the New Year!


  1. An excellent recap of a tumultuous year! great attitude. Happy New Year!

  2. What a lovely post to finish off the year. it is very special to find myself on your list of positive things from 2010 !! Your blog is a particular inspiration to me and I refer to the tutorials often ! I am so pleased to see how well your Dad looks in that photo !
    Let's hope for lots more positive weaving experiences in 2011 !
    All the very best to everyone for 2011
    Kindest best wishes


  3. Happy New Year Susan - I hope 2011 brings nothing but happiness, health and good friends to you and Bruce.

    More peace in our world and destructive weather would also be nice in 2011!
    Weaverly Yours ...... Barbara

  4. I love it that you have a positive note to all your reminisces. That's a great way to begin the new year. I look forward to seeing the new puppy.

    Happy New Year!!

  5. Thank you all for your good wishes and Barbara, I think you might want to rephrase yours!
    I was with you 100% until your last part of your comment when you invited the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse weatherwise!

    I'll pass on that if you don't mind!

    :) Susan

  6. Happy New Year, Susan!

    Your blog is always a positive and uplifting read. I've learned a great deal from your helpful details, and I'm so glad that you take the time to carefully document things.

    Wishing you all the best, and a fantastic 2011!

  7. What a gracious way to end a year that was tumultous to say the least!
    I wholeheartedly agree that you've sailed through a sea of changes with colours flying,(the nautical references are for Bruce!); and I know 2011 will be full of interesting things and I'm so happy to be a part of it all.

  8. Your weaving is so incredible. Sorry about your little dog :( Hope you have a happy new year.


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