
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the Season

Its the day before, the day before Christmas! Isn't it funny how my childhood memory of  December 23rd  is extra special. It was the peak day of anticipation! I think it has always given short shrift as a day that is in the way of the 'real days'... or if you are an adult, its the day that isn't nearly long enough!

We are about as ready for Christmas as you can get here and grateful we aren't being affected by nasty winter snows or floods. We have a roof over our head, food on the table and reasonably healthy!

We had to reacquaint ourselves with our tree and its where abouts! Last year we were treeless due to the kitchen flood and impending demolition. The boxes has been taken down to the garage to be stored and never made it back to the house until recently. As I pulled out the decoration boxes with 27 years of Christmas past, I found that mice had check things out sometime this summer! Fortunately, they just nibbled on the tissue paper and then exited, so we only lost a few items.

Our tree has a star theme and we have a snowman theme for decorations around the home. You are greeted at the front door by these handsome fellows:

Then on the mantle, along with garlands and lights:

There are a couple of other smaller cohorts but this is the troop leader! Then there is my favourite:

Just love his sweater and scarf! Then this year we have our very own handmade stockings by Lynnette !

They feature her handwoven fabric along the top and in mine, the foot. I have them filled out with some tissue paper to give them shape until Santa fills them! Bruce's is quite the dandy huh?

I have received some lovely woven cards this year!

From Martha in Utah on the left and Joan in Kamloops on the right.

Now we have some other creative, personalized cards...

This one is unique! Alison took close-up photographs of snowflakes (no small feat!), placed them into a computer program and digitally played with them and created her one of a kind card, with small added snowflake to the front. The card stock is beautiful quality as well.

Then my two friends who live thousands of miles apart, both sent 3D type cards! (Funny how that happens..)

Guess that's why they are my friends!

Last one is by a long time family friend Joan Rowan who is watercolour artist. Every year we get a printed version of one of her recent paintings:

"Made In China" The mountains at Zhang Jai Jie, artist Joan Rowan
Joan and a group were in China earlier this year and visited the Zhang Jai Jie region with its uniquely shaped mountains, that inspired the floating mountains in the film Avatar.

I'd like to take this time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and to thank you all for visiting my blog through the year. I have come to know some of you rather well and feel I have friends around the world now. I hope your time with family and friends is a memorable one! 2011 is just around the corner and I see it as a fresh, clean slate on which to lay out your plans and dreams. One goal we have is to bring a new puppy into our lives in the spring.  The plan is a male Welsh terrier and his name will be Gwyn ( Welsh for 'fair').
This is not him, but he will be something like this:

This is Griffin of Snowtaire Kennels and he's just too cute for his own paws. I don't know how they got him to lay still for the picture...

Happy Holidays everyone!


  1. A Very Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring Peace and Joy to you and yours!
    Love the puppy and I am sure yours will be a lot of fun!

  2. Happy Holidays to you, Susan! Thanks for sharing so much of your craft with us - I have learned a great deal since finding your blog.

  3. Oh man, I don't think I've ever met an unappealing puppy, but that one is way up there on the too cute scale! I bet they spent HOURS running all that puppy energy off for that nanosecond shot.
    Your house looks lovely, warm and cozy. Have a great holiday and all the very best to you all in the New Year!

  4. Susan - have a very Happy Christmas. Thank you for all of your posts over the last year, they have been full of wonderful photographs and the tutorials have been so helpful. I know what a lot of work it is and I appreciate it very much.
    Looking forward to 2011 and lots more weaving projects.
    Many thanks


  5. Susan and Bruce- Merry Christmas, may Santa bring you many pleasant dreams about Gwyn - he will be spectacular! I can hardly wait to see and hear all about is adventures in the weaving studio!

    Ah, puppiness is the bestest!


  6. Merry Christmas Susan. Can't wait to meet your new addition in the spring.

  7. Hope you had a great Christmas. And looks like you'll have a wonderful new year including a puppy! (That is a seriously cute pup....can't wait to "meet" yours!)


  8. Hi, thanks for the photos and description of your hemming, it's really helpful and I love the towels and the ladder detailing, I'll definitely try this on my next tea towels


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