
Friday, December 14, 2012

Merry Christmas...

Just a note to say hi. 
 I guess you are all in full Christmas preparation mode like we are!

This is post is to cover a couple of topics.  I recently had a request to add some way of subscribing to my blog posts. I looked into what is available and it seems that Blogger has a 'feed burner' which I have added to the top right hand corner of the screen.  You simply enter your email address.  They send you a confirmation email which you must click on to activate. What happens then? Well, when I post, you will get an email to tell you. That is only when you'll get an email.  Its a neat service feature and I hope you will take advantage of it.

Edit: I subscribed to my own service and I got a full copy of this blog post, with pictures, on my iPhone and also on my laptop. This was neat! The only thing is, it doesn't give you anything else. You still have to visit here for the other older links to various topics and to visit other blogs listed here. Just letting you know how it works...

Secondly, I have a count down clock on the right hand side bar for Thrums Blog celebrate another year. That's coming up on January 8th, 2013.  I like to do something special to mark the occasion.  So the one way I can track who does read my blog is through the "Regular Readers" (currently sitting at 277 as of today's date). So if you haven't signed up before now, this would be a good time. Who ever is signed up as of January 8th, 2013 will be eligible to win a prize of  a handwoven tea towel.  
  • If you have signed up as a follower more than once, I'll enter your name one time only.
  • Once I have announced the winner, I'll contact you via your listed email on your profile (and/ or) your blog. I will wait a week to hear from you. So please check and get back to me.... because.....
  • If no response by January 15th, I will draw again and a new winner will be announced.
  • If you opted to follow privately, I can't access your name or info... sorry!
I have 'met' some great new friends through my draw: DebbieB, Martha , Dianne, June, and Charlotte who is north of the Arctic circle in Tromsø,Norway ... they are all former winners of my draws. 

It will be a busy time here for a week between Christmas and New Years.... and there will be snuggle time with the grandson too. I'll try to get a post up before all the festivities begin!


  1. Susan, enjoy your prime snuggle time with your little grandson! Merriest of Christmases to you and yours.

  2. Susan, you've reminded me that I have those two lovely cones of yarn still in my stash - my intention is to weave a clasp weave scarf with them. I'll have to pull them out at the first of the year and GO FOR IT!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Happy Christmas to your and your family :-)


Thank you for visiting... I love to hear from you! Sorry about the comment moderation but I will post them quickly. This is necessary to screen out some nasty spam. If you can't read the numbers in the little box, then click on the "circle with an arrow" and it will give you another. Keep trying until you get one you can read okay? If you wish a reply back from me then either check back here, or leave someway for me to contact you. My email address is available in my profile. Thanks for reading my blog, Susan